apple tv 4k

  1. Jose Sifontes

    Using the HDMI-in in the latest Oppo players

    I think I know the answer to this question but will ask anyway: after owning the oppo 105 and now the UDP-203, I notice I never use the HDMI-in ports in them. My Apple TV 4K is connected directly to the receiver, which feeds an Optoma UHD50. Question: Would connecting the Apple TV 4K to...
  2. Todd Anderson

    Apple TV 4K Will Support Dolby Atmos This Fall

    Apple TV 4K Will Support Dolby Atmos This Fall (June 5, 2018) Apple’s recent Worldwide Developers Conference held in San Jose, CA was loaded with exciting announcements, including news that Dolby Atmos is coming to its Apple TV 4K device. According to the company, Atmos sound will begin...
  3. mechman

    Apple TV 4K Review

    My journey into streaming content has led me down a long curvy path. The quest began several years ago with various Blu-ray players, each riddled with its own little quirks and annoyances. It then took a turn down the route of Android and the Google Chromecast. Chromecast is a neat product...
  4. mechman

    Apple TV 4K

    After painfully suffering thru several months of Roku and then attempts at substituting a Chromecast Ultra and an Amazon Fire with 4K Ultra HD, I think I have finally found Nirvana with the Apple TV 4K. I just got sick of all of the monkeying around I had to do to get decent 4K streaming...