
  1. Todd Anderson

    CEDIA 2023: Seymour-Screen Excellence Flexes Three Stunning Masking Options for Big Screen Setups!

    (September 17, 2023) Seymour-Screen Excellence (SSE) had quite the presence at CEDIA 2023, having been featured in two of the most high-tech demo rooms at the show. Aligning forces with both StormAudio and Trinnov, SSE's Enlightor Neo screen material was paired with an awesome Adjustable...
  2. dreadknot

    best fabric for diy acoustic panels an basstraps with images

    what the best fabric option to use for diy acoustic panels an basstraps with images from Design Fabric Printing for my diy acoustic panels an basstraps or from Contrado: Buy or Sell Artist Designs | Print on Demand...
  3. Michael Scott

    Never Look Away - Blu-ray Review

    Never Look Away Movie: :5stars: Video: :4.5stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :1star: Final Score: :4.5stars: Movie There are very few times that I have been so incredibly captivated by a...