
  1. B

    4 way active stéréo loudspeaker : XO, fixed attenuation, tweeter Time delay

    Hello, I intend to build a 4-way active stereo closed speaker, i.e. an 8.0 configuration: in each speaker, 1 subwoofer (0-200Hz), a midwoofer (200-1000Hz), a midrange (1000-2700Hz), a tweeter (2700-xxxxx Hz). The crossover will be done with audiolense XO + Jriver (Windows PC). Some aspects are...
  2. A

    Project using LiDAR to predict sound distance attenuation in rooms

    Hello! I am currently a high school student working on a project to try to predict distance attenuation in a room using a LiDAR scan and microphone data of the user. Essentially the tool gets information about the users position in the room, the LiDAR scan of the room (converted to a mesh), data...