
  1. Todd Anderson

    Home Theater News Review Podcast: Episode 4.22.24

    (April 22, 2024) On this week's HTNR Podcast, we overview Sony's new TV lineup, discuss Target and "DVDs," Trinnov and StormAudio make headlines, and iFi Audio launches two new audio devices. We also thank our great forum sponsors, JTR Speakers, @NEXT LVL ACOUSTICS, AudioLense, and @Focus...
  2. S

    Calibrating multichannel AVP/AVR system with Audiolense

    I want to share my experience and what I have learned through the calibration process of my 7.1 AVP system using REW and Audiolense XO. I think I finally managed to get the most out of my room and the equipment I got. It was a tedious and lengthy process to experience what and how to do PC-based...
  3. W

    Audiolense 2.1 Setup creates an excess 4th correction – "Correction: Sub Woofer Front Center - Sub"

    Hello there, I am trying to configure a 2.1 filter with crossover at 65Hz in Audiolense 6.20 and I keep getting an extra correction for the subwoofer called "Correction: Sub Woofer Front Center - Sub" (green) where what I assume is the correct subwoofer correction "Correction: Sub Woofer Front...
  4. T

    Sine Sweep Clipping duing Measurement

    Hello, I downloaded AL today and am trying to get my first measurement in. It is in 2.0 configuration. However; every time I run a measurement I experience clipping. Both the sine sweep itself and the Check Connections clip. I ran the .wav sine sweep files in the measurement directory where...
  5. jtwrace

    My Audiolense Experience (JBL M2)

    In 2019, I purchased Audiolense XO to try. Long story short, I couldn't get it to work due to an odd error I kept getting. Fast forward to 7 months ago when I interviewed Mitch on my podcast here. The more we talked, the more I wanted to try Audiolense. After the podcast Mitch asked me if I...
  6. Goliath Speakers In A Matchbox Apartment

    Goliath Speakers In A Matchbox Apartment

    I apoligize for the clutter but firstly I like to show off all my equipment plus in a 40sq metre apartment this is the best I can do. This is essentially my living room or family room. I have set up two different systems one for watching television but also music, based on a wide dispersion...
  7. Todd Anderson

    AV NIRVANA Welcomes Audiolense, Will Host Software’s Official User Forum

    (January 5, 2021) With 2020 in the rearview mirror, AV NIRVANA is kicking off a fresh new year with an exciting announcement. Audiolense is migrating its official User Forum to AV NIRVANA and can now be found within the “Audio Video Processing, Setup & Environment” section of the site...