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    Favorite Quotes?

    Seen or heard a good one recently? Something that inspires you, amuses you, or that just connects in some way? Share it. Someone else is likely to enjoy it.
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    Sonnie and I have been talking about consolidating the menus a bit. Any suggestions? It came from the complaint that on smaller screens you lose the ones on the right and have to hover over the dots to see them, particularly annoying when it is the tools menu that you are looking for.
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    AXPONA 2017

    AXPONA (Audio Expo North America) web site AXPONA 2017 is April 21 - 23, 2017 The Westin O'Hare | Rosemont, IL avnirvana.com will have a full complement of staff there reporting on new products and happenings.
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    Data vs Information...

    You will find that we are doing things a little differently at avnirvana.com than at other forums and industry web sites. So many sites try to be everything to everyone, and try to provide so much information that much of it loses its value and becomes little more than data to be mined. One of...
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    Others want to know who you are

    If you are a new member, the staff and other members welcome you to avnirvana.com and sincerely hope that your time here will be enjoyable. Everyone wants to know who the members of our community are and what their interests are. Other members are happy to help solve problems if that is...
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    Internet Privacy and AV NIRVANA

    Much concern has been voiced recently about moves in Congress and by the FCC and FTC that affect Internet privacy. Many are very concerned about where their browsing and internet use data is being used and sold. At AV NIRVANA, we strive to maintain a site that users are comfortable to visit...