bill camp

  1. Michael Scott

    The Outsider: The Complete First Season - Blu-ray Review

    The Outsider: The Complete First Season Movie: :3.5stars: Video: :4stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :2.5stars: Final Score: :3.5stars: Movie Stephen King stories brought to the silver screen are always a bit hit or miss. Some are absolute smash hits, others are moderately great, and...
  2. Michael Scott

    Dark Waters - Blu-ray Review

    Dark Waters Movie: :3.5stars: Video: :4.5stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :1.5stars: Final Score: :3.5stars: Movie You have to wonder how much of the things we take for granted...
  3. Michael Scott

    The Kitchen - Blu-ray Review

    The Kitchen Movie: :2stars: Video: :4.5stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :1.5stars: Final Score: :3stars: Movie Honestly, there’s a decent movie under all the baggage and slag that...