
  1. Michael Scott

    Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Movie: :3stars: 4K Video: :4.5stars: Video: :5stars: Audio: :5stars: Extras: :3.5stars: Final Score: :4stars: Movie The Jurrassic Park/World films are...
  2. Michael Scott

    The Lego Batman Movie 3D - Blu-ray Review

    The Lego Batman Movie Movie: :4stars: Video: :5stars: 3D Video: :4stars: Audio: :4stars: Extras: :3stars: Final Score: :4stars: Movie Everything is awesome! Everything is...
  3. Michael Scott

    The Lego Batman Movie - 4K Blu-ray Review

    The Lego Batman Movie Movie: :4stars: Video: :4.5stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :3stars: Final Score: :3.5stars: Movie Everything is awesome! Everything is co…Ok, I’ll...
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