
  1. Kisliy

    It is impossible to measure the frequency response of Edifier R1700BT speakers

    Hello! It seems I have caught a big bug in REW -_- I bought a UMIK-1 microphone and Edifier R1700BT speakers, decided to measure the frequency response using REW 5.31.5 and it didn't work. When measuring at a frequency of 7 kHz a break occurs. After measuring, the subsequent signal through REW...
  2. C

    T60M export

    I would like to export the T60M data array for processing outside REW, just like it's possible for the other RT60 parameters. However even though I calculate the RT60 model, the exported data is an array of zeros. Am I missing something? Is it a bug? Procedure: RT60 > RT60 Decay > Generate >...
  3. Y

    Potential bug: Comb-filter during sequential measurement

    During a recent series of measurements I noticed a very strange comb filtering problem when using the sequential channel measurement feature. The result of this potential bug can be seen in the FR plot below: Every measurement except for the first one showed a comb filter like FR below ~ 4kHz...
  4. 4

    REW Overlay bug

    So, I wanted to measure my speakers again today, but somehow the overlay is super buggy. I updated to the newest version and restarted my PC which unfortunately didn't work. Did somebody encounter this? I included some screenshots for you to see whats going on. I have never encounterd this. It's...
  5. Smalllotus

    SPL too perfect…

    Hi there, I start with REW and I have a bug with the measurements I took. As you can see my answer doesn't make any sense... I have the microphone set up correctly and the whole procedure seems to work fine. I use loopback and i'm wondering if REW listens to the microphone I am on Ventura with...
  6. 2631378999

    REW5.20.4 HI PASS Not working..

    Hi John~ Today i trying to use a soundcard to measurement impedance,but looks like hi pass not working on measurement(but works on levels),so i can"t do imp cal. It will be great if hi pass works again;)
  7. M

    Aggressive rounding when exporting a measurement

    I just updated to REW v5.20.2 today (I was probably a number of releases behind), and I noticed that the amplitude column is now exported with very coarse rounding (when using the "Export measurement as text" option). The Y axis values are rounded to the nearest 0.1dB. This was not the case in...
  8. G

    REW Beta Release Error when generating minimum phase IR

    Hello, I noticed that when trying to generate a minimum-phase IR there is an error. It occurs in REW 5.20 RC2 & RC3 (running on MacOS). The error message: REW V5.20 running JRE 1.8.0_252-release 64-bit on OS X 10.16, en, , UTF-8 at 127 DPI Message: java.lang.NullPointerException Stack...
  9. 2631378999

    rew520 beta47 captured bug

    the captured only show the last measurement..
  10. 2631378999

    rew5.20beta45 Short circuit cal not working

    stop at 99%
  11. 2631378999

    Limit design for rew

    How to know the speaker system is hifi? Limit will help you judge. Limit can be added, for example (frequency response, thd, impedance). Limit tool will help you to make limit with measurement results。 In the graphic display interface, it should show pass or fail.. Limit should have at least 2...
  12. 2631378999

    Import b&k microphone data to rew

    Maybe rew will support bk data in the future? :cool: (import the bk data to soundcheck is working)
  13. 2631378999

    Import data from soundcheck16 to 520beta39

    it"s not working ;)
  14. Silverprout

    Graphical rendering error (wrong color)

    Hello, Could anyone say me if this bug is generated by my hardware or if it is a well known software glitch please ?