
  1. T

    Steinberg UR22 MkII Calibration Problem

    I am new to REW albeit being an audio professional. I was trying to calibrate the interface to squeeze the last drop of precision from UR22 MkII. The hookup is like this: Output: Line Output 1 Input: Input 1 Using ASIO w/24-192 and Standard latency Cabling: TRS from output to XLR input with a...
  2. S

    Help needed - Calibrating Audio Interface - feedback loop - Steinberg UR44C, Windows 8.1, REW 5.20

    Hi, I'm new to REW. I'm trying to follow the Soundcard Calibration instructions in the REW Guide and also this video from GIK Acoustics: As I understand it, I need to connect a cable directly from a LINE OUT to and LINE IN on my UR44C interface. I have tried all possible combinations, but...
  3. J

    Calibrating the Soundcard - RME Fireface UFX

    Hello This is my first thread here. I am a new user of REW, I started using it some days ago. It's really amazing. I have doubts with the calibration of the soundcard. The manual says I have to connect one line output to one line input, using the same inputs and outputs of calibration. I use...
  4. C

    Spl meter and more....

    SPL meter, Recommendations? I want to start learning about room measurement, any pointers (meter, programs, articles) to get started would be much appreciated!