
  1. K

    No audio appears at inputs (REW v5.20 Beta 59 / Mac OS 10.14)

    Hi All, REW won’t see the mic input from my audio interface, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. Mac OS 10.14.6 REW v5.20 Beta 59 (latest) Sonarworks XREF20 mic RME Fireface UCX v3.39 (latest) REW output set to Fireface Input Device is set to Fireface Input is set to Fireface...
  2. J

    Calibrating the Soundcard - RME Fireface UFX

    Hello This is my first thread here. I am a new user of REW, I started using it some days ago. It's really amazing. I have doubts with the calibration of the soundcard. The manual says I have to connect one line output to one line input, using the same inputs and outputs of calibration. I use...