
  1. Todd Anderson

    Elite's Dynamic VSX-LX805 AV Receiver – A Full Review

    Today, we’re dipping our toes in the waters of Elite’s top-end VSX-LX805 AV receiver (MSRP $2,999) with an in-depth review, dissecting its build quality, performance characteristics, specialties, and – yes – a few warts. Much like Integra-branded receivers released in 2023, the LX805 was...
  2. mechman

    High Dynamic Range - HDR in Layman's Terms

    HDR or High-Dynamic Range came shortly after the huge influx of HDTVs became common in most people’s living rooms or theaters. It replaces what most everyone is currently using which is the Standard-Dynamic Range (SDR) video display. It adds more depth creating what most folks consider an...
  3. Todd Anderson

    Sony Unveils Two Affordable Series of 4K Televisions (KD-X720E, KD-X690E)

    Sony Unveils Two Affordable Series of 4K Televisions (KD-X720E, KD-X690E) (Sony)The KD-720E Series of televisions launches in June. (June 18, 2017) Sony Electronics recently announced two new series of affordable 4K televisions: KD-X720E and KD-X690E. Both Series are priced to be ultra...
  4. Robert Zohn

    HDR10, Active HDR, Dolby Vision and other HDR schemes

    I'm starting this thread for three reasons. First, it's among the hottest, most discussed, and somewhat misunderstood but highly relevant subject to the new TV System that we are all beginning to embrace with significant growth among novices and enthusiasts alike. Second, we have several HDR...
  5. L

    Choosing a 70 inch display

    We re-arranged the living area in our house and can now accommodate a larger display. This is a very large room that we had segmented with a small viewing area where we could only fit a 50 inch. I have had a Panasonic plasma there for a few years now that will get retired to the bedroom. It...