jennifer beals

  1. Michael Scott

    Flashdance: Paramount Presents Edition - Blu-ray Review

    Flashdance: Paramount Presents Edition Movie: :3.5stars: Video: :4.5stars: Audio: :4stars: Extras: :2.5stars: Final Score: :4stars: Movie As a rabid fan of 80s music and 80s film...
  2. Michael Scott

    Swamp Thing: The Complete Series - Blu-ray Review

    Swamp Thing: The Complete Series Movie: :4.5stars: Video: :4stars: Audio: :4stars: Extras: Final Score: :4stars: Movie Only fans of Firefly can understand the bitter rage of having a fantastic show be cut short in it’s first season. Well, that and more than a few SyFy channels fans...
  3. Michael Scott

    The Bride - Blu-ray Review

    The Bride Movie: :3stars: Video: :4stars: Audio: :4stars: Extras: :3stars: Final Score: :3.5stars: Movie Ahhh, the 1980s. One of the greatest times for horror movies (in my humble...