
  1. deercreekaudio

    Using Delay Settings to Integrate your Audio System

    Using Delay Settings to Integrate your Audio System - Deer Creek Audio has just published this new tech blog you may find of interest Deer Creek Audio is an authorized miniDSP dealer
  2. M

    Newbie: phase adj of subwoofer using REW + Umik-1 (minidsp)

    I would like to compare delay of signal passing through subwoofer to delay in stereo speakers. Purpose is to align the signals in the crossover point using phase adjustment on subwoofer. Can I use REW with only a Umik-1 from minidsp for this? I'm completely new to REW and it seems like the...
  3. deercreekaudio

    Home Theater Multi-Subwoofer Setup - New Blog Post from Deer Creek Audio

    Deer Creek Audio has published a new blog post covering Home Theater Multi-Subwoofer Setup for miniDSP, REW and Dirac Live. This paper walks you through the setup of your home theater multi-subwoofer configuration using the miniDSP 2x4 HD, DDRC-24 or Flex. This process helps optimize the...
  4. deercreekaudio

    Subwoofer Optimization in 2.1 and 2.2 Stereo Systems - New White Paper from Deer Creek Audio

    At Deer Creek Audio, we have published a new white paper covering Stereo 2.1 & 2.2 Subwoofer Optimization for miniDSP, REW and Dirac Live. This white paper describes integrating and tuning a subwoofer into your 2.1 or 2.2 system using the miniDSP 2x4 HD, DDRC-24, SHD, SHD Studio, SHD Power or...
  5. S

    Phase in loopback calibration

    Hi, I'm using REW 5,19 linux with Asus 970 motherboard internal soundcard and loopback wire connected headphone / line-out to line-in. When I do soundcard loopback calibration phase graph looks odd: Phase goes from -177 to 80 degrees (20-20000Hz). Is this normal? Is this unlinear phase affect...
  6. F

    Left and Right Phase and frequency response.

    Hi, We all listen in less than perfect situations, mostly in straight wall rooms/ceilings/floors. And most of the time we have speakerpositions that are not symetrical. This is always noticable and easy to check that left does not sound the same as right. Both speakers simultaniously will maybe...
  7. S

    Sub/Main Phase Alignment Questions

    Hey everyone, I'm fairly new to REW and acoustic measurements in general. I'm trying to integrate my two subwoofers with my mains. I've selected my crossover filter and am now trying to align the phase at the crossover. Specifically, I'm trying to follow the advice from Rythmik Audio here. Some...