
  1. Michael Scott

    Days of Thunder - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Days of Thunder Movie: :3stars: 4K Video: :4stars: Video: :3stars: Audio: :4stars: Extras: :1star: Final Score: :3.5stars: Movie To finish off the Tom Cruise 4K triple play we have...
  2. Michael Scott

    Ford v Ferrari - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Ford v Ferrari Movie: :4.5stars: 4K Video: :4.5stars: Video: :5stars: Audio: :5stars: Extras: :2stars: Final Score: :4.5stars: Movie Ferrari is kind of a legend in the car world...
  3. Michael Scott

    Overdrive - Blu-Ray Review

    Overdrive Movie: :2.5stars: Video: :4stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :2stars: Final Score: :3.5stars: Movie The front cover tagline of Overdrive states “Smarter and cooler...