room curve

  1. Y

    Why does the room sim model so different in 2 devices??

    While simulating my soon to be built subwoofer in room sim, I found that the sim on 2 PCs differ by 20 dB. I have the same room settings, same Subwoofer gain and -3dB, and when i click 'show Anechoic response' it is the same. what is happening there?
  2. WillDoLikeMildew

    What is the most meaningful way of measuring frequency response? L+R, average of the two channels, or something else?

    I recently learned that when measuring the left and right channel playing simultaneously, differences of mic placement of only a couple millimeters could result in large differences in the measured level of top end, even with 1/1 smoothing applied, due to the phase discrepancies between the...
  3. T

    Operation of house curve within EQ panel

    I had been struggling with the operation of the house curve because if I configured say Harman house curve it would show up as target curve in the EQ. However, when I selected "Room curve" it seemed to increase the curve in various ways. So do I click on the button or not to show Room curve? The...