
  1. Todd Anderson

    Lenbrook Media Group Will Take Its Scalable Codec – AIRIA – Live with New HDtracks Streaming Service

    (June 12, 2024) And future plans involving Lenbrook's acquisition of MQA become a little less murky... Last week, we reported on three new technologies announced by MQA Labs, a division of the Lenbrook Media Group (LMG). Two of these technologies, FOQUS and QRONO, handle digital-to-analog (and...
  2. Todd Anderson

    For Better or For Worse, MQA Survives Through Lenbrook Acquisition

    (September 20, 2023) MQA, one of the industry's most polarizing audio technologies, has been on life support for months. Having filed for the US equivalent of Chapter 11 in early April, the embattled company has finally found a rescue line of sorts. Yesterday, Lennbrook, owner of popular brands...