
  1. deercreekaudio

    Subwoofer Optimization in 2.1 and 2.2 Stereo Systems - New White Paper from Deer Creek Audio

    At Deer Creek Audio, we have published a new white paper covering Stereo 2.1 & 2.2 Subwoofer Optimization for miniDSP, REW and Dirac Live. This white paper describes integrating and tuning a subwoofer into your 2.1 or 2.2 system using the miniDSP 2x4 HD, DDRC-24, SHD, SHD Studio, SHD Power or...
  2. Todd Anderson

    miniDSP Brings Dirac Live to Its New Hi-Res SHD Series of Streamers

    miniDSP Brings Dirac Live to Its New Hi-Res SHD Series of Streamers (miniDSP) (October 17, 2018) Hong Kong’s popular manufacturer of specialized audiophile gear, miniDSP, recently announced the launch of its new line of Streaming High Definition (SHD) DSP-based streamers. In addition to...