steven spielberg

  1. Michael Scott

    The Goonies - 4K Blu-ray Review

    The Goonies Movie: :4stars: 4K Video: :4stars: Video: :3.5stars: Audio: :4stars: Extras: :3.5stars: Final Score: :4stars: Movie I have to admit something shameful. After watching The...
  2. Michael Scott

    Jaws: 45th Anniversary Edition - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Jaws: 45th Anniversary Edition Movie: :4.5stars: 4K Video: :5stars: Video: :4.5stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :4stars: Final Score: :4.5stars: Movie You ever have one of those...
  3. Michael Scott

    War of the Worlds - 4K Blu-ray Review

    War of the Worlds Movie: :4stars: 4K Video: :5stars: Video: :5stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :3.5stars: Final Score: :4.5stars: Movie While Roland Emmerich is known as the king of...
  4. Michael Scott

    Schindler's List: 25th Anniversary Edition - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Schindler's List: 25th Anniversary Edition Movie: :5stars: 4K Video: :4.5stars: Video: :5stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :3.5stars: Final Score: :4.5stars: Movie There are good films...
  5. Michael Scott

    Ready Player One - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Ready Player One Movie: :4.5stars: 4K Video: :4.5stars: Video: :4.5stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :3.5stars: Final Score: :4.5stars: Movie Steven Spielberg is undoubtedly one of the...
  6. Michael Scott

    Ready Player One - Blu-ray Review

    Ready Player One Movie: :4.5stars: Video: :4.5stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :3.5stars: Final Score: :4.5stars: Movie Steven Spielberg is undoubtedly one of the kings of American...
  7. Michael Scott

    Jurassic Park: 25th Anniversary Edition Box Set

    Jurassic Park: 25th Anniversary Edition Box Set Movie: :4stars: Video: :4stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :4.5stars: Final Score: :4stars: WARNING: THE SCORES ABOVE ARE A COMBINED SCORE FROM ALL FOUR FILMS, THE INDIVIDUAL...
  8. Michael Scott

    Saving Private Ryan - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Saving Private Ryan Movie: :5stars: 4K Video: :5stars: Video: :4.5stars: Audio: :5stars: Extras: :4stars: Final Score: :5stars: Movie There are few movies as highly regarded as...
  9. Michael Scott

    Close Encounters of the Third Kind: 40th Anniversary Gift Set - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Close Encounters of the Third Kind: 40th Anniversary Gift Set Movie: :4stars: Video: :4stars: Audio: :4stars: Extras: :4stars: Final Score: :4stars: Movie Steven Spielberg is a...
  10. Michael Scott

    E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial - 4K Blu-ray Review

    E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial Movie: :5stars: Video: :4.5stars: Audio: :4.5stars: Extras: :4stars: Final Score: :4.5stars: Movie There are some movies that just were born to elicit...