subwoofer setup

  1. J

    Need advice what would be the better layout.

    Hello all, I’m using 2 subs in my theater layout and I’m new to the measurement game so I’m not sure which measurements are better with my limited knowledge. I have an Onkyo RZ-50. 1 sub is the new Klipsch RP-1200 and the other is a monolith 12”. Would the yellow graph with more energy but...
  2. deercreekaudio

    Subwoofer Optimization in 2.1 and 2.2 Stereo Systems - New White Paper from Deer Creek Audio

    At Deer Creek Audio, we have published a new white paper covering Stereo 2.1 & 2.2 Subwoofer Optimization for miniDSP, REW and Dirac Live. This white paper describes integrating and tuning a subwoofer into your 2.1 or 2.2 system using the miniDSP 2x4 HD, DDRC-24, SHD, SHD Studio, SHD Power or...