16" M1 Mac can't install the latest REW


Thread Starter
Dec 12, 2022
The last installation that I can successfully install is version 5.20.4 Everything after that won't allow the wizard to open. It just sits there forever without doing anything. V5.20.4 opens the wizard and allows me to install it.
Same here, but I don't know when it stopped working! I even updated Java to the latest version (8.351). The installer hangs around and must be forced to leave. When I updated to the latest version on this forum, it worked.

REW filename from REW website REW_macos_5_20_13.dmg
REW filename from AV NIRVANA website REW_macos_5_20_3.dmg
Intel Core i7 MBPro.
macOS Ventura 13.1
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Same here, but I don't know when it stopped working! I even updated Java to the latest version (8.351). The installer hangs around and must be forced to leave. When I updated to the latest version on this forum, it worked.

REW filename from REW website REW_macos_5_20_13.dmg
REW filename from AV NIRVANA website REW_macos_5_20_3.dmg
Intel Core i7 MBPro.
macOS Ventura 13.1
Turn off dark mode! That’s fixed it for me.
wow, just lost an hour on this!
Thank you for the solution, also, my mode was on automatic.
When I forced it to "light" mode, the screen was visible. :) So thank you @John Mulcahy
Try turning off dark mode to run the installer,...
Turning on Light Mode in the display settings worked for me. Lost several hours, but moving forward again.