2020 OLED TVs - LG CX & Sony A8H, how do they compare

Robert Zohn

Thread Starter
Apr 19, 2017
Scarsdale, NY
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Marantz AV8802A
Main Amp
Marantz MM8077
Additional Amp
Marantz MM7055
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic DMP-UB900
Streaming Subscriptions
Matantz PM10, Marantz SA10, Technics SL-1200G TT
Front Speakers
Sony AR2 floor standing ES speakers
Center Channel Speaker
Surround Speakers
Def Tech DI 6.5R
Surround Back Speakers
Def Tech DI 6.5R
Front Height Speakers
Def Tech DI 6.5R
Rear Height Speakers
Def Tech DI 6.5R
Velodyne DD18
Other Speakers
Da-Lite 133" fixed w/motorized masking
Video Display Device
Sony XBR-65A1E, LG C7, Sony VPL-VW5000ES projector
Remote Control
For the entire months of March and April this has been the most popular question we have received by email, phone calls and PMs. So your wish is my command.

Sony included Value Electronics on the first allocation of their new 2020 A8H Series 4K HDR OLED TVs. If all goes as scheduled we will receive our first A8H shipment on Friday, May 1st.

We'll immediately set-up Sony's A8H butt next to LG's 2020 CX OLED TV in our calibration lab for careful and accurate comparison and evaluation. Our calibrator will work with me on this and we'll give our impressions pre and post calibration. We'll also post pre and post calibration reports and scans and measure the peak and minimum luminance levels, color accuracy, color volume and motion resolution test results.

For now we can discuss the technical and feature differences in these two highly anticipated 2020 OLED TVs
In working with Sony's A8H today here's a few things I liked.

1st, Sony's A8H implementation of “Clearness” or BFI is excellent. Brightness is minimally decreased when engaging and setting Clearness = 1 and Smoothness = 1 I also don't visually see any artifacting.

2nd, the screen uniformity is excellent and banding is very minimal on the A8H, very clean OLED display. Sony improved the way they drive the panel at low luminance so there is better bit resolution on the A8H compared to all other OLED models.

Screen uniformity and overall picture quality is also helped due to Sony's final q/c and calibration process at the factory. They set the EOTF, peak luminance, color uniformity and white point.
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OK, here we go, it's Showtime!

Tomorrow our side-by-side review and testing of LG's CX and Sony's A8H 2020 OLED TVs will be hosted on two live Youtube a/v celebrity channels:

Our highly respected professional calibrator, John and I will present our findings live and it will be moderated by the YouTube two channel owners.

- SpareChange

- Whisper Status 74
Dreams can come true!

I wanted for LG to have the 55" and 65" CX and Sony to put the 55" and 65" A8H on sale for my side-by-side comparison. Wolla Sony's 55" A8H is now on sale for $1,899 and the 65" A8H is reduced to $2,799 and LG's 55" CX is $1,799 and the 65" CX is $2,499.
Here's my friend Caleb Dennison of Digital Trends video of the unboxing, settings and his first opinions.

Very accurate and informative review that confirms everything you heard it first on AVNirvana.com.