4 way active stéréo loudspeaker : XO, fixed attenuation, tweeter Time delay


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Sep 16, 2024

I intend to build a 4-way active stereo closed speaker, i.e. an 8.0 configuration: in each speaker, 1 subwoofer (0-200Hz), a midwoofer (200-1000Hz), a midrange (1000-2700Hz), a tweeter (2700-xxxxx Hz).

The crossover will be done with audiolense XO + Jriver (Windows PC). Some aspects are not yet very clear to me in the manual/automatic distribution of tasks between audiolense XO and jriver. I specify that at first I do nothing on the room correction, possibly just a target curve but in a second step.

1/ If I have a difference in sensitivity between the drivers. For example my sub channel gives 90dB, my midrange gives 95 db, etc ...: is it in audiolense XO (which transmits to jriver?) that we manage the fixed attenuation on the channels?, in my case -5dB on the midrange frequency range, or should we do it outside of audiolense in jriver directly?

2/ where is the time alignment between the tweeter and the other channels managed: for example we must put a delay of X milliseconds on the tweeter. Is this time delay specified by the user in audiolense XO (which transmits to jriver?), or should we do it outside of audiolense in jriver directly?

3/ is there a step-by-step procedure somewhere to do all this in audiolense/jriver: XO cutoff frequencies, fixed attenuation according to sensitivity, time delay on the tweeter for time alignment?

Thank you in advance for your help.
How do you intend to use Audiolense for crossovers without room correction?
Audiolense measures in the listening position, and will thus always do room correction.

1) You do it so the Audiolense EQ works the best, trial and error is your friend.

2) Audiolense calculates and applies the time alignment.

3) Have you read the Audiolense manual, and do you have any prior knowledge in the design of speaker systems?
How do you intend to use Audiolense for crossovers without room correction?
Audiolense measures in the listening position, and will thus always do room correction.

1) You do it so the Audiolense EQ works the best, trial and error is your friend.

2) Audiolense calculates and applies the time alignment.

3) Have you read the Audiolense manual, and do you have any prior knowledge in the design of speaker systems?
Thank you if i need nothing i will Ask you

I intend to build a 4-way active stereo closed speaker, i.e. an 8.0 configuration: in each speaker, 1 subwoofer (0-200Hz), a midwoofer (200-1000Hz), a midrange (1000-2700Hz), a tweeter (2700-xxxxx Hz).

The crossover will be done with audiolense XO + Jriver (Windows PC). Some aspects are not yet very clear to me in the manual/automatic distribution of tasks between audiolense XO and jriver. I specify that at first I do nothing on the room correction, possibly just a target curve but in a second step.

1/ If I have a difference in sensitivity between the drivers. For example my sub channel gives 90dB, my midrange gives 95 db, etc ...: is it in audiolense XO (which transmits to jriver?) that we manage the fixed attenuation on the channels?, in my case -5dB on the midrange frequency range, or should we do it outside of audiolense in jriver directly?

2/ where is the time alignment between the tweeter and the other channels managed: for example we must put a delay of X milliseconds on the tweeter. Is this time delay specified by the user in audiolense XO (which transmits to jriver?), or should we do it outside of audiolense in jriver directly?

3/ is there a step-by-step procedure somewhere to do all this in audiolense/jriver: XO cutoff frequencies, fixed attenuation according to sensitivity, time delay on the tweeter for time alignment?

Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi bluerabbit,

1) The difference in sensitivity is captured in the measurement and accounter for in the correction
2) The same thing applies to the delay. I put a lot of effort into enabling a multichannel measurement in Audiolense, and the main reason was to handle those two very important issues.
3) The first two are solved automatically. The crossovers in Audiolense … you need to at least have an idea of what frequency range you want to use each driver. Or at least ball park.

Audiolense has crossover capabilities that enables you to use the tweeter maybe an octave lower than recommend etc. The crossovers give you more design freedom. Using thebtweeter lower often improves sound wuality, and sometimes using the woofer higher helos too. You can tweak the crossovers higher and lower, steeper and more shallow in seconds, without remeasure. And you can generate a new correction in seconds and listen. So you can the fine tuning by experimenting.

And if you don’t like it I’ll give you a full refund.
You got good answers. My 2 cents. For No. 1. If you use a multichannel professional audio interface you can adjust the gain of each channel individually. That way you can compensate for different speaker sensitivity by level matching all the drivers (relative to the LP) in advance.
True, Ofer,

but as long as attenuation happens in the digital domain it makes no difference. Analog gain matching can sometimes make a difference but usually not.