5.31.1 have now excellent EQ results in 1/1 smooth, maybe can flatness target set to 0,5 or 1,5 too ? .


Thread Starter
Jan 16, 2021

I think best sound get when smothing is 1/1 . rew use now LS filter because i enable it for -6 - + 6 db. there is no Q in LS. is it always 1 ?. DSP use for default 0.74. I notice that always the filter curve is mirror in X in eq setting. so a + LS got to - . see the compare
that 1/1 smooth sound best i hear when play music in mono and hear how wide it sound. it should sound when EQ for left and right is good very small and low bass should also come from front and not as if it is sourrounding or come more from left or right. and i hear rew get best results i ever
hear in my room with this left right diffrent EQ. before i always thought correct left and right same sound better.


I use LS Q1 for this. you can see it is invert show in the fitlers view of REW

in PC eq.jpg

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Apr 3, 2017
The shelf Q is 0.7071. You can see that in REW by going into the filters and changing the type from LS to LSQ.
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