8K ShootOut coming August


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Apr 14, 2017
Menifee, CA
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Robert of Value Electronics just posted that he has a couple Sony Z9Gs en route and he'll have an 8K ShootOut this August

To me, this is exciting.

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Should be interesting indeed... wondering if my eyes will be able to see any difference.
He didn't mention that there will also be 4Ks. My guess is 8K's only which will also include the LG 88" 8K OLED. That's why it will be the end of August so the LG will be there.

Going to be fun and exciting
It would be need to include a 4K unit in there for comparison sake.
I agree, possibly the 2019 ShootOut winner the Sony A9G?
We should mention this to Robert.

He use to post here, but hasn't in a while for some reason.

What exactly about 8K would excite anyone? Resolution isn't the solution as resolution is far enough along now. My head is roughly 9 feet from my 100" screen for 4K, I can't really get it any closer to realize the value of any better resolution. The only reason anyone is propping up 8K is to relieve you of the $$ in your pocket. And yes, I know the Japanese are going to broadcast some of the Olympics next year in 8K. But that makes no difference as the infrastructure isn't here nor will it by then or anytime soon. And even then, 8K isn't a solution for broadcast sports. For that they need to upgrade to high speed cameras.

Get the Dynamic Range issues ironed out and then start upgrading broadcast events to 4K HDR.

As always this is just my $.02.

What exactly about 8K would excite anyone? Resolution isn't the solution as resolution is far enough along now. My head is roughly 9 feet from my 100" screen for 4K, I can't really get it any closer to realize the value of any better resolution. The only reason anyone is propping up 8K is to relieve you of the $$ in your pocket. And yes, I know the Japanese are going to broadcast some of the Olympics next year in 8K. But that makes no difference as the infrastructure isn't here nor will it by then or anytime soon. And even then, 8K isn't a solution for broadcast sports. For that they need to upgrade to high speed cameras.

Get the Dynamic Range issues ironed out and then start upgrading broadcast events to 4K HDR.

As always this is just my $.02.
I wholeheartedly agree, They haven't even got 4k ironed out yet and most is compressed so much that its only slightly better than 2K unless you buy the UHD disk. There isn't a single broadcaster in north america that has the studios set up for 8K and many dont even have the necessary equipment to go 4K. Upconversion to 8K is a joke just like DVD upconversion to 1080i was.
Sorry, but I wish people would understand this before buying into all the hype.
The resolution only matters as screen size increases... I think the only thing to be excited about are the processors and advancements in contrast/brightness.

The idea of 8k though... I mean, we barely have any 4K content. And even that is all over the map - especially when watching discs off a projector.

And for the average HDTV broadcast? I think my Pioneer plasma delivers the same - if not slightly more defined - image as my OLED.
I've seen 8K demo video... several manufacturers were showing it at CES (and, if memory serves, CEDIA 2018). It looks great... so does 4K demo material, though. Honestly, the biggest difference is how close you can stand to a monitor. With 8K you can get a lot closer without seeing pixels. BUT, there's a point to which getting close to a large monitor is uncomfortable (visually). There's a reason why there are screen size/seating distance calculations! :redgrin:

For me, the next exciting steps in TVs will be support for wider color... better viewing angles... brightness. And we're seeing that evolve every year. The problem will be when manufacturers hitch that performance to 8K, forcing buyers to purchase 8K. And that leads us back to content... and the mess we have in the content arena.

Several years ago, I thought it was the perfect time to go 4K TV. But, my opinion on that has changed. I'd only buy 4K for a room situation where I know I'd seek out and attempt to watch as much 4K material as possible.... OR where I was replacing an older HD LCD set. Situations where I had an HD plasma and predominately watched HDTV... well, I'd stick with the plasma. No question.

I had a fairly jaded take on TVs at CES 2019. It's really stuck with me... it's really starting to feel like manufacturers have worked themselves back to the tech level that forced them to dig up "3D" as a marketing ploy.
I would really like manufacturers to focus on getting 4k projection right before getting on the 8K TV bandwagon.
I agree. This is purely the need to manufacture and sell... and for stores to market and sell.
Interesting article in Twice Magazine...

I think people dont understand the difference in most cases and they are just being pressured into buying 8K without really knowing what they are getting or why they need it.
Informed customers would never buy an 8K display. There’s just no need for it now or anytime in the near future. Let them rot on the store shelves!
Well I hope value electronics includes a video game portion as the only thing in the near future that will do 8k is ps5 and xbox scarlett. Even though its only 75" they should include the LG 75sm9900 to be completionist
Sorry I've not been here more frequently. I agree that 8K by itself will have minimal if any image improvement, unless you get into the 85" and larger class of displays. John Archer has a good article on 8K TVs: https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnarc...8k-tvs-matter/

Here's a few notes from my 8K panel discussion I participated in at CE Week.

Please consider the following advantages of owning a 8K TV:

1st, is that the manufacturers are putting the very best display panels exclusively into the 8K TV series. Some good example are; Sony bringing back the highly respected Backlight Master Drive in the 8K Z9G. LG developed a native 8K 88" OLED module for the Z9P and Samsung is coming out with the Micro LED. Sharp will launch the dual cell LCD 75" 8K TV in Q1 2020.

2nd, Each TV manufacturer has also put the best video processing SoCs, like LG's new a9 Gen 2 PRO for the 88" 8K OLED and Sony retuned the flagship X1 Ultimate.

- 2b, bonus, the video processing is so well designed that 4K HDR looks stunning on these 8K TV as does FHD SDR. I've spend a lot of time with Sony's Z9G and Samsung's Q900R and tested and evaluated all sorts of varied content.

3rd, as an amateur enthusiasts photographer, I will be buying Sharp's consumer 8K camera and creating my own native 8K content.

In the end if you want the best TV, and you are considering an 85"+ size, like it or not it's an 8K TV.

Here's 4 clips from CE Week's 8K panel discussion with some of the top industry leaders from Samsung, Sony, LG, Sharp, Digital Trends and me.




Yeah we're at the point now where consumers don't really have any choice. 4K is kind of the same way in that people looking to buy a display right now have little choice as the majority of displays on the shelf are 4K. In a few years the majority will be 8K.

I just think they're putting too much of their resources and development in the wrong areas. Get HDR and Dolby Vision fixed and trouble free, then maybe look towards 8K.
I agree with most everything you said, however, within the 4K TV market we have many choices with a large variation of price points and performance attributes.

Most of the premium TVs do a good, but not great job with HDR, but we also agree that work needs to be done to get the best results. Some of the help needs to come from the content creators and broadcasters.
Some of the help needs to come from the content creators and broadcasters.

That's the thing, display manufacturers are constantly out-kicking the coverage. They need to settle down and wait while everything struggles to catch up.

Is the date and time set for the 8K ShootOut?

Going to be streamed?

Is this still happening? Supposedly the 8k oled has been pushed back or is that only the R series?
Correct waiting for LG's new 88" 8K OLED. Best guess is by the end of September or more likely sooner.