A few questions for a potential new user

Doug G in LZ

Thread Starter
Jan 17, 2021
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Pc based music server
Main Amp
Musical Design
PS audio direct stream
Computer Audio
Dedicated server
Front Speakers
KEF reference 1
2 x 12 Powered sealed with 1000w ea
Other Speakers
RME baby face pro sound card
Folks, a couple of questions;

I have 2.2 system using an RME Babyface Pro FS as an external sound card. The digital out of the RME drives a PS direct stream DAC and two analog outs drive powered subs. The RME is attachted to a dedicated music sever with a quad core I5. Jriver runs on the sever and is accessed by and iPad remotely. Does the audiolense convolver have a remote web access so I can use it with my Ipad and Jremote? Will the convolver play nice with the RME mixer via ASIO?
Hi Doug,

I am sorry to say that the Audiolense convolver doesn\'t have remote web access. But yes, it will play nice with anything from RME.
Brent, many thanks for the reply. What do I lose by using the Jriver convolver vs yours?
They both get the convolution done properly.

My convolver can do zero latency downstream and very well latency overall. It has a GUI on the tray area, which includes a fairly userfriendly volume control, configurable volume control with configurable gain and clip monitoring, and easy to adjust latency feature.

It is basically a matter of preference.
Brent, many thanks for the reply. What do I lose by using the Jriver convolver vs yours?

As I understand it, you can still run the Audiolense Convolver on your server.

Volume control will be handled like today, through JRiver. So unless you need the ability to change FIR filters on the fly, I don't see any issues with the Audiolense Convolver in your setup.