All the sudden REW times out when generating sweep. Help


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Sep 17, 2017
I've been using REW on the same computer and the same stereo system for quite a while without issues. All of the sudden I'm getting an error message when I try to take a measurement or generate a sound. When I start "check levels" or generate a sound I get the following error message: Timed out waiting for space to write the fade out block to soundcard.
I've tried restarting the computer and REW but it made no difference.

Any ideas?
That could occur if the soundcard has stopped accepting data before REW has finished sending data to it. Which REW version are you using? What audio interface? How is the computer connected to the stereo system? What are your REW soundcard preferences settings?
That could occur if the soundcard has stopped accepting data before REW has finished sending data to it. Which REW version are you using? What audio interface? How is the computer connected to the stereo system? What are your REW soundcard preferences settings?
Thanks for your reply.
I'm using ver. 5.31.3 running on my laptop with Windows 11. The soundcard is integrated into the motherboard.
For REW testing I use the laptop connected to my NAD preamp (old) via a line from the phone jack on the laptop. The preamp connects to two minidsp 2x4's (standard - not HD). The mini's connect to my emotiva amp and then to my LXmini's and two subs.
These are the soundcard preferences, except that the input would be set to the excl umik-1 with calibration card setting. I have been using this setup to make at least a dozen measurements in the past 2 weeks with no real problems until yesterday when this particular problem suddenly appeared. I have been using this basic setup for years (except for the REW ver. number) and, although I've had all sorts of other issues which I've successfully addressed, I haven't had this problem before.

soundcard settings.png
Here is a debug log file from REW:

SoundCard Debug Data generated by REW V5.31.3 running Azul Systems, Inc. JRE 1.8.0_422 64-bit on Windows 10
Locale: language en, keyboard US, windows-1252 at 96 DPI
Running in C:\Program Files\REW
Dated: Jan 12, 2025 8:35:17 PM
Input Device: Default Device
Input: Default Input
Input Volume: no control
Output Device: EXCL: Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)
Output Volume: 1.000
Output Mute: Off
Wave Volume: No control
Wave Mute: Off
Sample rate: 48000

0: EXCL: Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio), WASAPI, 1, Speakers
Line interface SourceDataLine supporting 6 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes (max. 1 simultaneously):
0: PCM_SIGNED 48000.0 Hz, 32 bit, stereo, 8 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=8, little endian)
1: PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
2: PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 32 bit, stereo, 8 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=8, little endian)
3: PCM_SIGNED 48000.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
4: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 32 bit, unknown number of channels, unknown frame size, little-endian (-1 channels, frameSize=-1, little endian)
5: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, unknown number of channels, unknown frame size, little-endian (-1 channels, frameSize=-1, little endian)

[no controls]

Line interface Clip supporting 6 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes (max. 1 simultaneously):
0: PCM_SIGNED 48000.0 Hz, 32 bit, stereo, 8 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=8, little endian)
1: PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
2: PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 32 bit, stereo, 8 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=8, little endian)
3: PCM_SIGNED 48000.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
4: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 32 bit, unknown number of channels, unknown frame size, little-endian (-1 channels, frameSize=-1, little endian)
5: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, unknown number of channels, unknown frame size, little-endian (-1 channels, frameSize=-1, little endian)

[no controls]

1: EXCL: Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio), WASAPI, 1, Microphone
Line interface TargetDataLine supporting 3 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes (max. 1 simultaneously):
0: PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
1: PCM_SIGNED 48000.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
2: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, unknown number of channels, unknown frame size, little-endian (-1 channels, frameSize=-1, little endian)

[no controls]

2: Primary Sound Driver, Unknown Vendor, Unknown Version, Direct Audio Device: DirectSound Playback
Line interface SourceDataLine supporting 8 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes (max. -1 simultaneously):
0: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
1: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
2: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, little-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
3: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, big-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, big endian)
4: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
5: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
6: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
7: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, big endian)

Controls[0]: FloatControl: Master Gain with current value: 0.0 dB (range: -80.0 - 6.0206)
Controls[1]: BooleanControl: Mute Control with current value: False
Controls[2]: FloatControl: Balance with current value: 0.0 (range: -1.0 - 1.0)
Controls[3]: FloatControl: Pan with current value: 0.0 (range: -1.0 - 1.0)

Line interface Clip supporting 8 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes (max. -1 simultaneously):
0: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
1: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
2: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, little-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
3: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, big-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, big endian)
4: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
5: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
6: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
7: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, big endian)

[no controls]

3: Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio), Unknown Vendor, Unknown Version, Direct Audio Device: DirectSound Playback
Line interface SourceDataLine supporting 8 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes (max. -1 simultaneously):
0: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
1: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
2: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, little-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
3: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, big-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, big endian)
4: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
5: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
6: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
7: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, big endian)

Controls[0]: FloatControl: Master Gain with current value: 0.0 dB (range: -80.0 - 6.0206)
Controls[1]: BooleanControl: Mute Control with current value: False
Controls[2]: FloatControl: Balance with current value: 0.0 (range: -1.0 - 1.0)
Controls[3]: FloatControl: Pan with current value: 0.0 (range: -1.0 - 1.0)

Line interface Clip supporting 8 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes (max. -1 simultaneously):
0: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
1: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
2: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, little-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
3: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, big-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, big endian)
4: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
5: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
6: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
7: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, big endian)

[no controls]

4: Primary Sound Capture Driver, Unknown Vendor, Unknown Version, Direct Audio Device: DirectSound Capture
Line interface TargetDataLine supporting 8 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes (max. -1 simultaneously):
0: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
1: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
2: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, little-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
3: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, big-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, big endian)
4: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
5: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
6: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
7: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, big endian)

[no controls]

5: Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio), Unknown Vendor, Unknown Version, Direct Audio Device: DirectSound Capture
Line interface TargetDataLine supporting 8 audio formats, and buffers of at least 32 bytes (max. -1 simultaneously):
0: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
1: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, mono, 1 bytes/frame, (1 channels, frameSize=1, little endian)
2: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, little-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
3: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, mono, 2 bytes/frame, big-endian (1 channels, frameSize=2, big endian)
4: PCM_UNSIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
5: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 8 bit, stereo, 2 bytes/frame, (2 channels, frameSize=2, little endian)
6: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, little endian)
7: PCM_SIGNED unknown sample rate, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, big-endian (2 channels, frameSize=4, big endian)

[no controls]

6: Port Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio), Unknown Vendor, 10.0, Port Mixer
Port SPEAKER target port
Controls[0]: BooleanControl: Mute Control with current value: false
Controls[1]: FloatControl: Volume with current value: 1.0 (range: 0.0 - 1.0)
Controls[2]: CompoundControl: CD Audio Control containing Mute, and Volume Controls.
MemberControls[0]: BooleanControl: Mute Control with current value: false
MemberControls[1]: FloatControl: Volume with current value: 1.0 (range: 0.0 - 1.0)
Controls[3]: CompoundControl: Master Volume Control containing Mute, and Volume Controls.
MemberControls[0]: BooleanControl: Mute Control with current value: false
MemberControls[1]: FloatControl: Volume with current value: 1.0 (range: 0.0 - 1.0)

7: Port Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio), Unknown Vendor, 10.0, Port Mixer
Port MICROPHONE source port
Controls[0]: CompoundControl: Master Volume Control containing Mute, and Volume Controls.
MemberControls[0]: BooleanControl: Mute Control with current value: false
MemberControls[1]: FloatControl: Volume with current value: 0.53075457 (range: 0.0 - 1.0)

Port Master Volume target port
Controls[0]: BooleanControl: Mute Control with current value: false
Controls[1]: FloatControl: Volume with current value: 0.53075457 (range: 0.0 - 1.0)
Controls[2]: CompoundControl: Master Volume Control containing Mute, and Volume Controls.
MemberControls[0]: BooleanControl: Mute Control with current value: false
MemberControls[1]: FloatControl: Volume with current value: 0.53075457 (range: 0.0 - 1.0)

Attached USB devices
ID: 408 Product: a031
ID: 46d Product: c52f
ID: 408 Product: a031
ID: 8086 Product: 2ed
ID: 4ca Product: 3015
Best using the Excl Realtek output device as shown in the soundcard debug rather than the default device as shown in the screenshot. Set the buffer sizes to 16k. Plug in the UMIK before starting REW.