Amazon Prime: Bosch


AV Addict
Thread Starter
Apr 4, 2017
Empire, MN
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Pioneer VSX-832
Streaming Subscriptions
HBO Max, YouTubeTV, Hulu, Netflix, Disney+
Front Speakers
Definitive Technology Studio Monitor 55s
Center Channel Speaker
Definitive Technology CS8040
Surround Back Speakers
Definitive Technology DI6.5R
Other Speakers
Apple TV 4K
Video Display Device
Remote Control
Logitech Harmony 650

There are 7 seasons of this show out on Amazon Prime and my wife and I whipped thru season 1 in 2 days! It's always been on my list but I never could find the time until a few days ago.

I highly recommend this show.
I liked it a lot... really good show.

I have watched two seasons of Bosch: Legacy on Amazon Freevee. Third season is on the way.
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Season 2 done, on to season 3.
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I liked it a lot... really good show.

I have watched two seasons of Bosch: Legacy on Amazon Freevee. Third season is on the way.
Same, I just finished up the last season of Legacy, ready for the 3rd season :)
Just finished up season 7 last night and we're moving on to Legacy next. Awesome show!