Amazon Prime Sales?


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Jun 20, 2017
So, is everyone keeping their eyes opened for any good sales? I've read that the NVidia Shield TV will be on sale for $139 for the 16GB version. I'm keeping my eyes open for a laptop! If anyone sees anything good please post it here so others can take advantage.
Been getting lots of notifications for it, but refuse to pay the new inflated Prime price.
I've been thinking about canceling myself... it's just gotten extremely high. While 2 days shipping is nice, it's not mandatory and a lot of thing would get to me that quick anyway. Rarely do I order much under $25, so it's typically free anyway.
I completely biffed on Prime Day. Didn't order anything... primarily because my want list is currently rather short.

GFO: did you buy?
I cancelled my Xbox 1 S order since I found someone locally selling a PS4 Pro and got it for $290 with 4 games.
Nice score. What games?

FIFA, I hope?? ;-)
Like 5 call of duty games, Rainbow six, and some two others I forgot the names of. I haven't really play anything yet. I just turn it on to make sure it worked lol.
Call of Duty is a dangerous time suck. Fun though!
I didn't find that they had any really great deals on stuff I wanted this year. They have not raised the Prime fees yet for Canadians but if they do Im out
What are Prime fees? I guess I'm just realizing that I don't even know what I'm paying on a yearly basis!
Well, I am hoping the price doesn’t go up. I used it a lot thought the year mainly for music. Plus, I get a student discount
Well, I am hoping the price doesn’t go up. I used it a lot thought the year mainly for music. Plus, I get a student discount
Price just went up in May from $99 to $129.
I picked up a Roomba, a couple Nutri Bullets and a 49" TCL for my daughter. Didn't see much anything else that piqued my interest.