Another big score! Several Server UPS rackmount units

Tony V.

Senior Member
Thread Starter
Apr 14, 2017
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Onkyo TX RZ920
Main Amp
Samson Servo 600
Additional Amp
QSC MX1500
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic 220
Streaming Subscriptions
Denon DT 625 CD/Tape unit, Nintendo WiiU, and more
Front Speakers
EV Sentry 500
Center Channel Speaker
EV Sentry 500
Surround Speakers
Mission 762
Surround Back Speakers
Mission 762
Video Display Device
Panasonic AE 8000
Remote Control
Logitech 1100
So on Friday afternoon I was called over to another office tower we own downtown. One of the tenants (an IT communications company) has been evicted for non payment of rent and we get all of there equipment that is left in the server rooms. The manager gave me permission to take one or more of the big UPS units that are there (there are at least 10) they are APC 5000va units 4u in rack height. Do you think they could be used at home as a UPS? I'm sure these things are at least $2500 new.
I'd have to look them up. Do they have video/cable inputs?
What kind of filtering do they claim to provide?

I'm guessing the extra boxes are batteries, they will at least be nice to have for dips & peaks of power.
No, no video or audio inputs. They are clearly for power filtering only but they are worth about $5k new each. I have to wait till the end of today to take one so I will report back on any info I can get off them.
This is what it looks like

Tony, what's next? A Ferrari that just happened to be sitting on the street corner? :devil:
LOL, Well we do have several parkades under our office towers but we just tow abandoned vehicles.
Very nice score. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to use them in a home environment. I don't have enterprise grade UPS systems at home but I'd certainly love to.
Did you ever figure out if they have battery back up?
Yes, they have batteries in them.
Maybe it's just the kind nature of Canadians. We 'Mericans are always hearing how nice Canadian people are. Someone's just randomly leaving presents for someone to find. Problem is Tony is finding ALL of them.
We need to start a permanent thread: "Tony V's Daily find" :woohoo:
Those are serious backups... and being you probably don't need more than one at home, you can sell the others to other businesses... or eBay.
LOL, you guys crack me up

Well it turns out that our company worked out a deal with the collection agency and they sold everything to a third party eccept a almost new (less then 150hrs run time) backup emergency generator that we will keep and use for that buildings em power backup as the old one is not in great shape any more. So there is not much left for the "coffee fund" but I did get to keep one UPS. Its way overkill and I am going to have to get a dedicated 20amp 240v circuit run to my AV rack so I will see if it is worth doing.
The nice thing about those units is the supplemental power they have available. If you have amps running on a circuit & they are pushing the limit, the battery back up kicks in & delivers more juice!

Mine has an LED screen that displays different things. One of which is how many watts it going through it. Kinda cool when you are pushing it during bass heavy scene to see how much power the system is really using.
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