Audio equipment loan programs?

Grayson Dere

Thread Starter
Dec 19, 2018
Bay Area, CA
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Integra DTR 7.8
Main Amp
Class D Audio: SDS-470CS
Additional Amp
Shellbrook Audio Hybrid Head headphone amp
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Sony UBP-X700
Streaming Subscriptions
Origin Live Aurora MKIII turntable
Front Speakers
Vandersteen Model 2
SVS PB-2000
Other Speakers
Grado SR 325is headphones
Elite Screen 120"
Video Display Device
I was thinking recently about how great it would be if there was an online source for A/V equipment loans that worked off the subscription paying for Netflix disc rentals only choosing speakers or electronics instead of blu-ray films to swap out (of course with a hike in price : ) ) It would be so fantastic to one week have Quad ESLs and then a few weeks later to switch out to Focals etc...
Does anyone know if this type of business currently exists?
I've never seen it exist to my knowledge. It would also be pricey as the shipping is what would kill it for most people. speakers and high end equipment are sensitive and that means lots of liability unlike a cheapo disc when replaced due to constant jostling in shipment etc. At least that would be my assumption
Thanks for your input, Michael. Yes, you are correct to point out the logistics would be pretty difficult for this type of program to be viable : )
I guess you could say a shop like Emotiva does this with its upgrade program. But, not really what you're talking about.

You should establish a local High-End audio collective. How cool would that be? You could rent warehouse space on the cheap... pool money to set up sound or movie rooms... and enjoy the variety!