Audiolense basic questions


New Member
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Jun 9, 2018
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Trinnov Altitude 16
Main Amp
Classe CT2300
Additional Amp
Classe CT5300
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Front Speakers
B&W N802
Front Wide Speakers
B&W 601
Center Channel Speaker
Surround Speakers
B&W N805
Surround Back Speakers
B&W 601
Front Height Speakers
B&W CCM682
Rear Height Speakers
B&W CCM682
PSA S3000i x2, PSA S3600, Velodyne DD15
100 inch
Video Display Device
JVC x9900 - Calibrated
Remote Control
Harmony Elite
Hi all,

I'm interested in trying out Audiolense in my two channel system. I'm running windows 10 64 using the onboard sound card to feed an AV pre-amp over optical which then feeds my power amp and speakers.
I'm using the AV amp in two channel mode and I have windows set to to stereo. I use JRiver as my playback device and will load the filters in that.

I have a few basic questions and issues:

- can I confirm that an Umik-1 will be ok for the measurements? I've read something that says you need something other than a USB mic but that was an old article I think.

- I tried the sample/demo mode. If I try 6.17 it crashes immediately after I select 2.0 with task manager saying "suspended". I've added it as an exception in defender, I've turned defender off and I run it as admin, still no joy. 6.0 does load for me though. I'm happy to buy the latest version but I'd like to know it's going to work. In the event viewer I get an unhandled exception error which I can share if it would be useful.

- When I got the 6.0 version to work I generated the test filters and loaded them in to JRiver. The parent CFG file (that holds the path to the others) didn't work, so I loaded the 44.1kHz file directly. It seemed to work although it sounded dreadful, I'm guessing because it wasn't configured for my measured response. I did get the -10dB though, so I believe it was being injected into the playback chain. What was odd was that it seemed to "stick" on. It didn't turn off when I deselected it and even after closing JRiver, and rebooting I was still getting the same distortion. Eventually it went away. I'm guessing that's not normal?

Any pointers here?

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
Yes, sn umik will work ok.

Im afraid I dont have an answer ready for the other questions you asked, including the distortion. I am puzzled that the demo correction sounded dreadful though. All it does is attenuate the output by 20dB.
Any idea how I might debug it?
I can send you my configure files if that helps?
Apologies for the double post. I tried again this morning and had much better success. I'm not sure what went on yesterday, apologies for any concern.
Today I was able to generate filters which just drop 10dB off the source and the 90 seconds of audio, both played without issue.

I'll play more today.

Any idea why 6.17 doesn't work when 6.0 does or anything I can do to get that working?
Hi Conrad,

Glad to hear that you are making progress. I don't know what happens with 6.17, but "suspended" sounds like some blocking by windows. Could it be blocking write access to your "my document" area?
I'll check, although I would have thought that running it as an Admin would have resolved that.