Audiolense convolver 1.1 is out


Thread Starter
Feb 5, 2018
[05 jan 2021]

Audiolense convolver 1.1.exe

  • Bug fix: Set sampe rate in GUI was one place doing get sample rate.
  • Added manual placement of form, which is stored in context. Enables you to place the form where you want it to be.
  • Improved mouse scroll method in volume slider and latency slider .. for some mouses.
  • Bug fix: Fixed a memory deallocation error in callback from driver. The convolver crashed regularly with one of my 7 sound cards when this call was used. Many sound cards seems to be not using this call, or very rarely.
  • Set default used inputs to 2 to make getting started with standalone easier.
  • Changed the unlicensed version to run muted instead to improve user experience
  • Mute and count clips raised an exception if they were pressed before the convolver had started. This is now fixed.
  • The GUI informs the user if a valid license missing
  • Didome cleanup in the "about" form.
  • Several gui improvements:
    • Fixed several sizing issues
    • Regular gui now appears after full gui has been open and closed.
    • Added HWID generator to GUI.
    • Added a check-mark to open.gui menu and open.full.gui menu, indicating that they stay open until explicitly closed. And they can be closed using the same menus.
  • Implemented 60 day trial license as an option in the install file.
Well, I just started a new thread asking for options on convlolvers that can be used for windows and it seems this Audiolense convovler might be what I need. I am trying it out, but when attempting to add a correction file the file type is limited to "alc". But correction files are in "cfg", I am a bit confused. Am I missing something?
In the setup menu in Audiolense you can choose alc as correction file format. The convolver only works with the proprietary Audiolense correction files.
There will be a new release out soon. And since I learn somethin new literally every day, it will not be the last.
In the setup menu in Audiolense you can choose alc as correction file format. The convolver only works with the proprietary Audiolense correction files.

Thanks, I figured that out and loaded the alc file but either it's a bit glitchy or I am doing something wrong. The program closes abruptly.

Does the convolution start as soon as it uploads or there is a start button?Is that "start stream"...?

It also says "mismatch with setup" on the convolution file next where is says correction. Any ideas?
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Plenty of ideas. I do get questions like these frequently. Sometimes the answer is in the help file of the convolver. Please check that first and if you have more questions I will answer.
Plenty of ideas. I do get questions like these frequently. Sometimes the answer is in the help file of the convolver. Please check that first and if you have more questions I will answer.
Well, now its working without any glithces so installing the Visual C cured the problem. But I still can't get the convolution to work.

When I switch soundcard the convolution file turns blue, which I am presuming means its good to go while red stands for a problem. My file is still red.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe the soundcard does not handle ASIO but its a digital to digital converter which does handle ASIO but its connected to my Marantz AV which might not. The help file says to install ASIO4ALL, I did and selected the soundcard and still red with the file.

What shall I try first?
If your sound card shows up in the convolver there’s no need for Asio4all.

Does the stand-alone run?
If your sound card shows up in the convolver there’s no need for Asio4all.

Does the stand-alone run?

Hello Bernt,

Have no idea what you mean by stand alone? I am trying from every angle and thinking as deep as I can but still can't figure it out.

I tried it with the soundcard that highlights the covolution in blue and still could not get it to work but I am guessing that is something from my end. It should work, as the start scheme actually turns on it probably has something to do with routing the channels correctly. So I am guessing it is working if done correctly.

But moving back to my standard soundcard the convolution is still red and doesn't allow me to start scheme.
The convolver runs in two configurations:

As a stand-alone where it is a self-contained program that processess audio between the soundcard's inputs and outputs.

As a virtual asio sound card. You activate it by choosing "Audiolense" as the sound card in e.g. jriver.

More info in the help file which I have attached here.


The convolver runs in two configurations:

As a stand-alone where it is a self-contained program that processess audio between the soundcard's inputs and outputs.

As a virtual asio sound card. You activate it by choosing "Audiolense" as the sound card in e.g. jriver.

More info in the help file which I have attached here.

The help file has nothing other than two sentences that say the abovementioned but nothing on how to go about it or what the difference is and more importantly what the purpose of each one is. The help file is 6 pages right? I dont see anything that can direct me on trying out a few different things. Sorry, I do not want to be rude and I totally understand that the help file is a working progress and that the convovler is new but I can't see anything that can direct me, it jut tells me what the convolver does in very basic form.

I coudn't get the virtual asio soundcard to work either but this is what I do not want to do change settings in Jriver rather upload convolution outside of Jriver. So I want the stand alone to work. I have been playing around with it, any settings that need to be changed or match something on my sound card? Why would the convolution be in red? If you direct me I am happy to try out a whatever I can. I will try the virutal asio one more time I hazarding a guess that output format in DSP options need to match.
Yes, the help file has room for improvement for sure. I thought I had done a better job with it. Sorry about that.

1) Start the standalone convolver. That's the one that installs as a program. That's probably where you've been already.
2) Choose sound card and load correction.
3) Choose number of input channels that matches with the correction you've made. 2 channels will usually do it.
4) And now the red text should disappear. Click start. If it turns green, the settings are working and the convolver is convolving.

5) Close the convolver.
6) Open jriver.
7) Enter DSP studio and choose either 2 channels playback, 5.1 or just pass through whatever format is played.
8) Disable the jriver convolver.
9) Choose Audiolense as sound card in the playback options in jriver.
10) Play some music.

The convolver gui should now surface. But the icon may be hidden in the hidden part of the tray area. Drag the icon down to the visible part.

And now ... hopefully everything is working.
Yes, the help file has room for improvement for sure. I thought I had done a better job with it. Sorry about that.

1) Start the standalone convolver. That's the one that installs as a program. That's probably where you've been already.
2) Choose sound card and load correction.
3) Choose number of input channels that matches with the correction you've made. 2 channels will usually do it.
4) And now the red text should disappear. Click start. If it turns green, the settings are working and the convolver is convolving.

5) Close the convolver.
6) Open jriver.
7) Enter DSP studio and choose either 2 channels playback, 5.1 or just pass through whatever format is played.
8) Disable the jriver convolver.
9) Choose Audiolense as sound card in the playback options in jriver.
10) Play some music.

The convolver gui should now surface. But the icon may be hidden in the hidden part of the tray area. Drag the icon down to the visible part.

And now ... hopefully everything is working.

I totally understand how hard it could be for a non native English speaker, I have basic experience with these things but the convovler is essentially new to the me and I still need some proper instructions to get started and unfortunately the help file does not guide me. If you need help regarding the help file, content or even if its editing let me know? I am happy to help, only problem is I am not versed in the convovler yet. Lol!

Just to get this clear, intructions 1 to 4 are seperate from 5- 10? I can use the convolver as a stand alone without changing setting in Jriver right?
Hi Bernt,
I'm trying out your convolver and having a few issues:
1. I can not get the user interface to open unless I am playing audio through the convolver from Jriver. There is an icon in the system tray that shows a popup menu.
2. I get some weird distortion and audio playback slows down if I click and drag to resize a Microsoft Edge browser window during playback. I noticed this while working with my MOTU 16A audio interface which is the playback device.
3. There is something interfering with the audio as I can not eliminate some small distortion and occasional small pops and clicks. I have tried all combinations of buffers etc.

Edit: I can not get distortion free playback of streaming video services with the JRriver convolver. I am using minimum delay filters. No problem with blu-ray video where I can use TTD.

AMD Ryzen 5900X processor, Nvidia 2060 graphics, 32 Gb RAM, Windows 10, MOTU 16a audio interface connected via Thunderbolt, 4k monitor
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I totally understand how hard it could be for a non native English speaker, I have basic experience with these things but the convovler is essentially new to the me and I still need some proper instructions to get started and unfortunately the help file does not guide me. If you need help regarding the help file, content or even if its editing let me know? I am happy to help, only problem is I am not versed in the convovler yet. Lol!

Just to get this clear, intructions 1 to 4 are seperate from 5- 10? I can use the convolver as a stand alone without changing setting in Jriver right?
1-4 above was preparing and starting it as a stand-alone. If you use it as a stand-alone there's no need for any other software involved.
5-10 was using it with jriver.
Hi Bernt,
I'm trying out your convolver and having a few issues:
1. I can not get the user interface to open unless I am playing audio through the convolver from Jriver. There is an icon in the system tray that shows a popup menu.
2. I get some weird distortion and audio playback slows down if I click and drag to resize a Microsoft Edge browser window during playback. I noticed this while working with my MOTU 16A audio interface which is the playback device.
3. There is something interfering with the audio as I can not eliminate some small distortion and occasional small pops and clicks. I have tried all combinations of buffers etc.

Edit: I can not get distortion free playback of streaming video services with the JRriver convolver. I am using minimum delay filters. No problem with blu-ray video where I can use TTD.

AMD Ryzen 5900X processor, Nvidia 2060 graphics, 32 Gb RAM, Windows 10, MOTU 16a audio interface connected via Thunderbolt, 4k monitor

1 It is probably located outside your screen. It's a recent design flaw on my behalf. I realized it a couple of days ago and I am looking into. The convolver sees a different screen resolution as a stand-alone than when running as an extension to e.g. jriver. I just implemented a feature where the user can move the form around. The location coordinates are saved for next time, but I did not account for the different screen resolutions.

2 and3 Check that the stand-alone is closed before you start jriver. Apart from that I have no explanation for these at the moment. I tend to use Chrome, but I guess it is time to try out Edge and see if something happens here too.
Yes, I noticed I could see a few pixels of the GUI way to the right on a 3840x2160 display with 200% scaling.

I'll run some more tests to see if I can eliminate the audio errors with streaming media playback. I do have a solid solution for streaming media that does not use a separate convolver in or out of JRiver DSP. Unfortunately that solution does not allow me to use Audiolense. I'll check to see if the Chrome browser makes a difference.
Hi Bernt,
I have your convolver working well now. I could not get good results with streaming video with any convolvers inside JRiver DSP. I tried several VST convolvers and the JRiver convolver. The Microsoft Edge browser has the best streaming media performance supporting higher resolution video than Chrome and also Dolby digital audio. I stream in stereo and upmix to 7.1 with a DTS plug-in.

The weird browser problem affecting streaming video/audio seems to be limited to the MOTO Pro Audio Control browser window. No problems if I don't open it while streaming.

Smaller buffers work better than larger with ASIO over Thunderbolt and a high speed 5900x multi-core processor. I'm using a 5ms buffer out of JRiver and 128 samples into the MOTU at 48kHz.

I got in on the last day of your convolver sale!
The Microsoft Edge browser has the best streaming media performance supporting higher resolution video than Chrome and also Dolby digital audio.

Is this (part quoted) the main reason for using Windows instead of macOS?

Or there are other reasons/uses/features in Windows that aren't on macOS ?
Safari on Apple Mac Big Sur is very good, I should have said Edge is best on Windows 10. I'm going to try to get my M1 Mac working for home theater and compare it to Windows 10. You can run Audiolense filters on a Mac. I recommend building your filters in Windows 10 and then using them on your Mac. There is a current thread about Mac convolver options.
There is a current thread about Mac convolver options.

Yes I know, that's my thread :)

I didn't realise you hadn't gotten your macOS solution fully working yet. I thought you had everything working with Mac Mini M1 already.

So I was confused why you were using Windows 10 also - unless there are specific advantages/features not available on macOS.
Most of the Windows advantages involve video performance, however, the M1 graphics may be good enough. I'll see as soon as MOTU supports the new Macs.
1 It is probably located outside your screen. It's a recent design flaw on my behalf. I realized it a couple of days ago and I am looking into. The convolver sees a different screen resolution as a stand-alone than when running as an extension to e.g. jriver. I just implemented a feature where the user can move the form around. The location coordinates are saved for next time, but I did not account for the different screen resolutions.

2 and3 Check that the stand-alone is closed before you start jriver. Apart from that I have no explanation for these at the moment. I tend to use Chrome, but I guess it is time to try out Edge and see if something happens here too.

It seems, I can't even get the WMD driver to work with my Topping D10 with Jriver in windows. In general the WMD driver works fine with my second digital to digital connector which is minidsp multi channel streamer. So it must be something to do withte Topopng D10. I use the Topping as a digital to digital connector to link it from my computer to my Marantz AV. I can't think of what it could be... Anyway, just putting it out there just in case someone has experience with what might be happening.
I am hijacking this thread but I still have had absolute no luck.

I also tried using my Marantz AV without the Topping digital to digital converter and used an optical from the TV to the Marantz and the convolver didn't even detect the TV as a platform.

I am sure its something from my end, just can't put my finger on it.