Audiolense convolver 1.2 is out


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Feb 5, 2018
[07 feb 2021]

Audiolense convolver 1.2.exe
  • Implemented “allow all users” access for the application data folder. since Audirvana did not have write access to the ini file.
  • Eliminated a few bugs.
  • Reworked the context sensitive approach that was not working.
    • The context is identified by the following markers: process, number of input channels, input offset (stand-alone) and sound card.
    • The context finder chooses the last used context that matches the context markers that is known at the time.
    • Literally all settings should now be remembered, down to whether the signal was muted or not.
  • Less fuzz getting started:
    • Eliminated the “choose sound card” dialog that appeared on first time use. The convolver automatically picks the first available sound card.
    • The convolver now does dummy streaming when it is called from a player and not properly configured.
    • Added Audirvana to the list of apps that needs the “Roon fix” to function.
  • Input buffers, output buffers and buffers in the convolver are all flushed every time the audio stream is stopped. Hopefully it will eliminate reported popping.
  • On startup, the form could be invisible, yet interfering with mouse movements etc. Now, the form is immediately moved outside the screen to avoid this interference.
  • GUI relocation: The gui can be unlocked, moved to a desired location and locked there.
A couple issues with 1.2,

If I try to open the standalone convolver, the tray icon flashes and disappears. No running app is shown in task manager.

If I open the convolver by initiating play in JRiver, it does start but it will not load my .alc file. The file loads and plays in 1.1.
I just went downstairs and installed 1.2 on a machine that has not been involved in the testing. So it was a pure 1.1 installation sitting there. It worked immediately.

I had the same experience with my development environment right now. Shut down everything, restarted, watching Windows update spin for a while, restarted the development environment and it worked again. Maybe Windows is playin a prank on you too.

I will check if the convolver responds properly to a correction based on your setup, though.
Sorry to hear that.

I just tested 1.2 with 1.1 config files and see no problems.
I installed 1.2 on another system that has been running 1.1. It was a perfect in-place installation and worked immediately.

But I had similar problems with my development environment this morning. I had to shut down everything, restart the machine and waith for Microsoft's upgrade symbol to disappear. Everything went back to normal after that.

I will try to test a correction based on your setup as well.
hulkss, the filters load fine also in stand-alone, but the setup that accompanied the measurement you sent me was only configured for 7.1 playback, so the stand-alone convolver has to be set up with 8 input channels.
Tried it again. I got only the icon flash in the tray for standalone. I put my current .alc file in 1.1, then loaded 1.2, changed JRiver to two channel output, hit play, the 1.2 convolver opened with the new .alc file pointer.

I can't change the input channel count. The GUI looks like this:

I am pretty sure that your correction is confugured for an 8 channel format.
I am pretty sure that your correction is confugured for an 8 channel format.
Yes it is, however, this is what the 1.2 GUI Shows. I could not load the correction in 1.2, it had been loaded previously in 1.1 so it shows up here in the GUI. The 1.1 GUI looks like this:

It seems the channel count can only be changed in the standalone GUI and I can't get to that in 1.2

In the 1.2 higher up the player is sending a stereo signal.

In 1.1 right above here, the player is sending an 8 channel signal.

I just changed the output from jriver to 6 channel and this is what I get (1.2)

In order to make that correction work with 1.2 as well as 1.1 you need to send 8 channels out of jriver.

The flash and disappearance that you reported on the stand-alone is an issue I am looking into. It is probably closing down because the specified input channels doesn't match the correction. It shouldn't close down. It should open with the same red marks that you displayed above.

I will get out a fix for this within a couple of days. In the mean time you can either delete the ini file in the program folder and get a fresh start or set jriver to output 8 channels. That should bring the stand-alone back too.
Hi Bernt,

OK. I have 1.2 working. Just as you say above.

I have Min Delay and TTD corrections to listen to and test. Thanks for your support.
You're welcome. And I apologize for the mishap with the standalone.

And I did an express release now to eliminate the problem.

Download here:

Audiolense convolver 1.3.exe

  • A programming flaw that caused the stand-alone convolver to close on startup under certain conditions has been eliminated.
The convolver works fine if I can get it to load a filter set.

To get started, I did have to delete the .ini file or it was stuck in a red flag mode I could not shake.

After a clean start I got a filter loaded and playing. Then I tried to change filter files while playing JRiver. Nope, red flags again.

With the convolver working I switched Jriver to 2 channel. This caused red flags, then I switched back to 7.1 channels, still red flags, but now I can load a new filter set and the flags disappear. This behavior is repeatable.

The convolver output needs a 512 sample buffer in my MOTU interface. That is now most of the latency. With other applications I've been able to use 256 or 128. Maybe this is an area that can be improved? 256 almost works but it is not reliable.
Hmm.. I tried the same here.

Set jriver to 6 channels output. And loading a filter with 6 channels of input.

THen switch to 2 channels in jriver. Convolver lights up red.

Switch back to 6 channels output. Stops and starts the audio stream in jriver. Convolver works.

No reloading of filter in the process, btw.

Some of the changes you do in jriver does not apply until next time you start a stream.

Re: 256 vs 512: Per default, the convolver does not use an extra buffer for playback. Which means an extra set of read and write operations within the switch compared to no convolution in the middle. That may be the reason here. I can do 128 size buffers here, through Asio4All. 6 channels in, but only 2 channels out, though. Number of channels in and out could be a factor. Number of correction paths could also be a factor, but must likely not, since most of the processing is distributed evenly in time.
Hi Bernt,

What I am missing is the ability to easily change AL convolver filter sets during playback in JRiver. Please tell me how this should work and I'll let you know if there are problems?
Currently running 7.1 from JRiver and 16 channels out of the convolver. Thanks.
You can do anything on the fly with jriver, including loading a new correction. Jriver will respond immediately and the new correction is up and running in a small second.
OK, here's what happens in my case:

1. Playing audio in JRiver. I have clicked on the correction name in the convolver window to open an Explorer window to pick a new correction. The correction is selected and I am ready to click on "open".


I clicked on open:


The convolver GUI window flashes and comes back without changing correction files. If I stop play and restart play, the convolver closes and opens opens with no change.

If I stop play, change JRiver to 2ch output, and restart play I get the expected red flags below, however look close, the convolver file has now changed.


If I stop and go back to 7.1. then play again. Up and running with the new correction file. This is the only way I have found to get a correction file change.

I checked your files. It works here. (jriver 26). But if you have the standalone convolver open when you start jriver you can get erratic behavior. It needs to be closed from the menu, btw. Just hitting the x button only hides the form.
Just repeated a test with JRiver 27. Made sure no standalone was open. Same behavior. I can not change correction files unless I do as described above.
I can change the filters, while a JRiver 26 stream is playing. Seems different systems are hit by different bugs/issues.
I've discovered that my work around using a JRiver channel mismatch only works if I pick 2.0 for the mismatch. I just tried it with a switch to 2.1 (sloppy menu pick) and the correction file did not change.