Audiolense filters & DAC filters

Simon-Pierre Ratté

New Member
Thread Starter
Jul 3, 2018
With my DAC, I have the choice between minimum and linear phase filters. When I take measurements in Audiolense, should I set my DAC for minimum phase if I plan to make minimum phase filters in Audiolense or linear if I plan to make linear phase filters?

When I use a linear phase filter created in Audiolense, should I set my DAC to linear phase during playback?
FWIW, I measured the 7 Sabre DAC filters on my DAC using 48, 96 and 192KHz sample rates using a hardware loopback which measured the sound card, PC and DAC only (no amp, speakers or room interactions).

The FRLP (Fast Rolloff Linear Phase) filter had the widest, flattest frequency amplitude and phase responses of the 7 filters.

My take-away from that observation is that the FRLP filter would be the easiest to modify because it would require the least amount of modifications (sans the speaker and room interactions which are of much larger scale). YMMV.

NOTE: Scale is from [2 - 50,000]Hz, SPL divisions are 0.1dB, no smoothing.


FRLP measured at 48, 96 and 192KHz.

Note: Scale is [2 - 100,000]Hz, SPL divisions are 1dB, no smoothing.



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