Audiolense solutions for correction of a multi-sub array.

I know this is an old thread but in order to keep information in relevant topics i decided to ask here.

So i have 4 subs and two stereo 2 way speakers. 2 of the subs are tapped horns and 2 of the subs are of ported design. I would like to limit output of THs to about 40Hz and ported subs are good to about 60-80Hz. I tried setting different lowpass settings in Speaker Setup -> Crossover Configuration, but AL won't allow entering any values in there.

However, i saw that @hulkss was able to enter highpass settings for his Khorns, but in the screenshot he provided, he was only correcting subs, so no mains were beings crossed over to subs.

My setup currently looks like this:


Som is it possible to use different HP and LP settings for sub channels? Or should i setup some sort of a cascaded filter in order to achieve that?
I’m afraid there’s only one bass offloading frequency available for each speaker. But there’s a solution that I think will work well for you.

Instead of configuring your subs as 4 separate entities, you could configure them as two 2-way subs. That will give you a substantial degree of freedom with regards to the frequency ranges. This is recently discussed in another thread here … in case you want to see what it looks like.
Hi Bernt, as you see this seems to be a recuring theme. Maybe having the ability to have both HPF and LPF on the bass channel is a needed feature.
I don’t think that is a productive solution, Ofer.

If you get more familiar with using Audiolense you will find at least one better solution.
Thanks for the tip!

Do you mean setting up the system as 3 or 4 way instead of a 2-way and subs?

So, my mains will get 80 to 20khz and 0-80 will be distributed between 2 lower 'ways' (subwoofers in this case)? How speaker setup works look like in this case and will be measurement be necessary?
This would work for 2 sabs, having the bass routed to the subs in your case turning your 2 way to 3 way. Not sure what to do with the other 2 subs. Measurement is always necessary for every setup, without measurements you cannot create filter.
@hulkss @juicehifi

Great thread. The finding seems to be that MSO offers a great solution when optimising for multiple seats, whereas Audiolense delivers the best solution (a ‘single sub with multiple drivers’) for one seat. Is this correct?

Also, I get that multiple subwoofers are useful when optimising for multiple seats, but what is the advantage (vs. a single, capable, well-positioned subwoofer ) when there is a single listening position?