Audiolense won't open anymore


Thread Starter
Jan 3, 2023
Hi all,

Been using Audiolense since January. I ran new measurements today, everything worked as normal. Closed the program, and then later went to reopen it to try some changes. And now it simply won't open. No error or anything, just won't open.

I've tried rebooting, reinstalling Audiolense, reinstalling Visual C++ and installing an older version and installing a 32 bit version. Same thing with all of them.

Feel like there's something simple I'm missing but I can't figure it out. Any ideas?
Not sure if you recreated AL.INI as part of your troubleshooting but.....

I think this happened to me long time back, and deleting the AL.INI file fixed it.

If you go this route, you'll lose cached settings and all of your filters, so you'll need to reset stuff you configured in previous sessions. You should backup the al.ini file first just in case this isn't the issue..

Anyway, since this happened to me, I make sure to always have backups of this file and also keep record of my filter configurations in separate document in case I need to recreate.
Thanks for the suggestion! I don't have an AL.INI file in my AL install folder or subfolders. I'm guessing AL.INI is created when opening Audiolense? That would make sense since I've uninstalled/reinstalled.

Really stumped on this one. I spent this afternoon removing and installing Visual C++ again, different versions of AL, etc. with no luck. Nothing changed on my literally stopped opening 30 minutes after working fine all day. No new programs installed, no Windows updates, etc.
Just to make certain, did you look in C:\ProgramData\Juice Hifi for the AL.INI file??

(The ProgramData folder may be hidden so you may have to select the window's view/ show hidden items option)
Just to make certain, did you look in C:\ProgramData\Juice Hifi for the AL.INI file??

(The ProgramData folder may be hidden so you may have to select the window's view/ show hidden items option)

You are a lifesaver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think I would have ever figured that out on my own. I am so glad to be back up and running, thank you!
Good deal. Glad to help.