Avantegarde speakers


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Apr 17, 2017
San Miguel de Allende Mexico
I listened to a pair of Avantegarde Uno XD speakers today in Harland Netherlands...I have been curious as to how a round horn sounds compared to a rectangular, or square horn like my old JBL 2360a, or my new Klipsch k402. All I can say is I was not disappointed! The showroom was maybe 12' x 15' with about a 8' ceiling, and untreated. They were using a Niam preamp, and media player with a tube amp the dealer made for himself, and makes for customers. It filled the room spectacularly with a nice deep bass, and the mids, and high were just right for me. They were not too sharp...just about the perfect match IMO. I only had a few minutes to find out about the system, and listen before my wife came in to get me. If you ever get a chance to hear a set...do your self a favour and give them a listen!

They look like a lot of fun. Those horns can be real "room erasers."
I would love to hear some in a good setup. They sure look cool.
We were just walking down the street when I happened to see the shop... I walked in and was surprised to see them, and that I actually had time for a quick demo to boot!
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Been listening to them since their inception, used to have two dealers near me. Here is my latest listen.