From the renowned animation powerhouse Production I.G. (Psycho-Pass, Ghost in the Shell, Attack on Titan) and director Kazuto Nakazawa (Parasite Dolls, animation director of Kill Bill: Vol. 1) comes the popular action suspense anime series, B: THE BEGINNING. Directed by Nakazawa and Yoshinobu Yamakawa (Little Busters!), this gripping, character-driven crime procedural uniquely blends the visual marvel of anime, dystopian sci-fi supernatural fantasy, and gritty mystery narrative in equal measures. The series music is composed by Yoshihiro Ike (Blood: The Last Empire, Tiger & Bunny), with the theme song provided by former Megadeth guitarist Marty Friedman. Hailed by anime enthusiasts and worldwide fans for its distinctive genre-bending storytelling, B: THE BEGINNING SEASON ONE arrives on national home entertainment shelves and digital download to own on October 6, 2020 from Shout! Factory, in collaboration with Anime Limited. Debuting for the first time on North American home entertainment shelves, B: THE BEGINNING SEASON ONE Blu-ray Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD) collects all twelve thrilling episodes (both versions – the original Japanese audio with English subtitles and the English dub), a mini-poster, two art cards, and insightful bonus content featuring the pilot film that inspired the series, a special video interview with director Kazuto Nakazawa, and more. The English dub boasts a popular voice cast of Johnny Yong Bosch, Allegra Clark, Ray Chase, Brianna Knickerbocker, among other notables! |