Bass Hunters 7: Top Gun Maverick

(November 4, 2022) On this episode of Bass Hunters, we explore a 4K HDR lossless Dolby Atmos DISC QUALITY version of Top Gun: Maverick on Kaleidescape, briefly analyzing technical aspects of the release, and highlighting three Reference Quality Demo scenes laced with delicious LFE moments.

**To learn about the theater system and software used in Bass Hunters, including gear made by @Kaleidescape, Inc. @StormAudio @SVS Sound R|Evolution @Power Sound Audio @Power Sound Audio @Emotiva Audio Seymour Screen Excellence, and JVC, watch:

**To read a full review of a Kaleidescape Terra + Strato C system, READ:

**To read a full review of StormAudio's MK2 Processor:

**To read a full review of SVS's Ultra Speakers and Subwoofers:

**To read a full review of GoldenEar Technology's Triton One.R speakers:
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Great review Todd. I completely agree with your review. Reference disc/K-scape download of the year and maybe one of the best ever (as far as bass is concerned).
Thanks. Purely from a bass perspective, they did an exceptional job. First class all the way.

I hope this film spawns a new era of blockbusters. But, my sensible side says that ship has largely sailed
Thanks Todd, very interesting. I had a listen to your reference scenes on my 4kUHD disc, and they sounded great. I had a question on your reference curve for your system. When you were showing the curves/spectrograms, wondering how much 20-50Hz bass boost at the listening position, say relative to level at 100 Hz? Or was it flat?

Do you use the same reference curve for music vs movies?

Hey there, thanks so much for watching and giving those scenes a test run on your system! That’s great!

I definitely do not have a flat curve in the bass region. Going off memory, it’s boosted a bit (giving it that house curve look) by a few dB from around 60 or 50Hz down. You also have to take my room into consideration, which will definitely be different than yours.

A manufacturer that might dip its toes into this project has suggested that I should measure bass an inch away from one of my sub’s drivers, in an attempt to remove the room from the equation. So, I’m considering ways to incorporate that into future episodes.

Do you have a bass-friendly curve to your system?
Hi Todd. I play around with this from time to time, but I generally start with the recommendations from Floyd Toole's Sound Reproduction, Chapter 12, which is smoothly rising from 0dB at 200Hz to around +6 dB at 50Hz, and then keep that same boost down to 20Hz. I use a 4 sub system, one in each corner, and EQ them using a MiniDSP and MSO software to try and achieve as close to this response as possible at my listening position. I do feel the need sometimes to provide further boost with movies, however to me this sounds great with music.

With regard to close miking the subs, I guess it depends on what you are trying to measure. This should give a good representation of the sub's performance, but would not account for room effects...which are generally significant at low frequencies (room modes etc).
I follow the "Harmon" curve which is +5db at 20 and 30 Hz and then linear down to 0db at a 100. Works great for both music and HT.