Behringer UMC204HD for REW on Mac?


Thread Starter
Dec 3, 2020
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Joule Electra LA-150
Main Amp
Krell KSA-50S
Additional Amp
Ars-Sonum Gran Filarmonia
Other Amp
Bryston 4BSST
Auralic Vega
Computer Audio
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Meridian 588
Front Speakers
Merlin VSM
Got a good deal and purchased a Behringer UMC204HD interface to replace my old M Audio Fast Track Pro. Main use was and will be occasional measurements with REW.

Despite the UMC204HD not needing drivers for mac, I have found it impossible to make it work well with REW on any of my Macs, all of them running Mojave and the latest version of REW. Although at some point I was able to perform an i/o loop measurement of the sound card itself at 44.1 but the card seems unstable and inconsistent in its operation. And somewhat noisy.

Being in the return period I have chosen not to use the cable that comes in the box and I have powered it from the USB ports of the computers and not from a powered hub. However, my old M-Audio works fine in the same conditions, albeit only at 44.1.

With itunes the UMC204HD works fine.

If anyone who has used it to measure with REW on Mac can provide any ideas I’ll give it a chance, otherwise what soundcards is a good option for Mac nowadays?


I have read that report, but given that I will be using the soundcard only for measurements, eq and REW, I thought I would be fine. I did not anticipate the software problems though.

But if I return it I still need another card. Any suggestions?
REW cannot directly control the soundcard sample rate, so make sure you select the default format for input and output in Audio Midi Setup to have the same sample rate as you want to use in REW, otherwise the OS will be resampling between the REW rate and the interface default rates. No particular reason not to just carry on with the Fast Track Pro for acoustic measurements though.
The only reason to buy another sound card was to use it to measure at 48kHz, because the Fast Track Pro only works at 44.1kHz with Mojave. And while 44.1 is enough for most things (including impedance measurements), for the very occasional measurements that I have to do with DIRAC when I change speakers in my listening room, I needed something with a higher sample rate.

I have just returned the UMC204HD and ordered a UMIK-1, something that I should have done years ago.
