best fabric for diy acoustic panels an basstraps with images


Thread Starter
Jan 31, 2020
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outlaw audio 976 7.2 balanced receviver
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Crown xli 800 xls 1502
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Crown xli 800 , Crown xli 800
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crown xls 1502
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nvidia shield (2017 model)
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PL-28II (for sale)
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Klipsch RB-81 (sold)
Surround Back Speakers
Klipsch RB-81
Front Height Speakers
Rear Height Speakers
none at the moment
Other Speakers
Vizio M55-E0 (2017 model) upgrading to tcl 55in
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Satellite System
Other Equipment
what the best fabric option to use for diy acoustic panels an basstraps with images from

Design Fabric Printing

for my diy acoustic panels an basstraps

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would either from this site work

my new acoustic tiles an traps are to be either four custom 6in by 36in by 6ft frame-less traps two parallel to either side of the ht room

the plan is to get four six packs of roxul 80 an stack in a row of three deep by three tall after trimming them down to 2ft by 3ft an wrap the 6in thick perimeter in burlap an use duct butter on the burlap an roxul i think that will make it sturdy an rigid then wrap the whole with acoustic fabric

i also plan to some 60 x 10 x 3 mm Neodymium Bar Magnets stitched into the burlap in the back of the acoustic panels so as to adhere the panels to some painted metal strips on the wall which hopeful will allow for ease of placement an remove

would anchoring to just sheet rock with expander screws the total weight would be about 57 pounds

using 6 Neodymium Bar Magnets per tiles should give 72 pounds of pull does anyopne think this will work

or is this a crap shoot
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I am not an expert but I have a few thoughts on the matter.
If you have samples of the cloths, hold each over a speaker (while it's playing of course) and see which one is more acoustically transparent. Regarding mounting with magnets, sounds like a maybe but you can always try it. 72 lbs of pull is different than 72 lbs of sliding. I have found that magnets are not great mounting supports except for little 8 oz products that you stick on your fridge. Drywall anchors are okay. I would try to use enough so no more than about10 pounds is on each anchor. Hope it all works.
I went with 4" of Roxul R60 in 6" frames...since researching shows that a gap of up to the same thickness as the Roxul will perform the same., as all Roxul.

I also had french cleats (I believe it was a 1x4 and painted it the same as our walls) installed on our walls, so I could hang Acoustic Panels, artwork, etc. and move them around to suit current or future plans.
sounds great! :)