Brrrrr! It's coold out there

Tony V.

Senior Member
Thread Starter
Apr 14, 2017
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Onkyo TX RZ920
Main Amp
Samson Servo 600
Additional Amp
QSC MX1500
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic 220
Streaming Subscriptions
Denon DT 625 CD/Tape unit, Nintendo WiiU, and more
Front Speakers
EV Sentry 500
Center Channel Speaker
EV Sentry 500
Surround Speakers
Mission 762
Surround Back Speakers
Mission 762
Video Display Device
Panasonic AE 8000
Remote Control
Logitech 1100
Yup, winter has settled in here, it was -40 with the windchill this morning!
I would love to be down in FL riding my motorcycle now.
It's a good time of year for that here, Tony. Of course in a couple of months it'll be back to the usual 92F 80% humidity days for months on end. We don't tend to advertise that as much as the nice "winter" weather. ;)
I love winter. I just hate the cold. I can handle snow and 25 degrees. But when it gets down below 0 degrees I hate it.
Snow is fine and all but yeah, once it gets freezing and below, forget it. :)
Moved to Arkansas from the Washington, DC, area 13 years ago. The 100 degree summers make me wish for cold and snow. Haven't seen snow since we came here. I miss looking out the patio door, sipping an adult beverage and looking at a foot of snow. It's therapeutic.

As for Florida, oh man, I do long to be in central Florida one more time, towing a bass boat to Lake Toho.
I'd like to retract my previous statement! lol The snowfalls are now getting to be ridiculous. The snowbanks along my driveway are about 4 feet tall I'd guess. It's time for spring!
I know many people are tired of it. They had snow in places that almost never get it this year, Hawaii, Southern California, Vagas and even in other countries.
Even in Canada Vancouver and Victoria have had unprecedented amounts of snow. I saw a post the other day that in the mountians East of L.A. They have more snow than in the last 30years. One skii resort said they should have enough snow to last into June
Pleasant 75 degrees here in T-Town, and no snow!
A pleasant -5 here... :rant:
My GF is only 200 miles south of me. No fair!

Screenshot_20190225-134340_The Weather Channel.jpg Screenshot_20190225-134354_The Weather Channel.jpg
There is a reason, I live in the south. Oh man.. :)