Can’t see first timing reference chirp


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Nov 25, 2020
Hi, can anyone help me , I can’t see the first chirp of timing reference in the impulse response graph , I’m trying to get the proper distance to my speakers I have turned timing reference up to +12 and zooming in on the graph still nothing I’ve also tried java and Asio , thank you very much
I can’t see the first chirp of timing reference in the impulse response graph
That's because it isn't there to see, the impulse response does not contain the timing reference. The t=0 position of the impulse response is where the timing reference was detected.
That's because it isn't there to see, the impulse response does not contain the timing reference. The t=0 position of the impulse response is where the timing reference was detected.
Thank you, I was following a walkthrough video and he measured from the chirp in the overlay impulse to the 0 position to get the speaker distance I must be doing something wrong , thanks again
That part of the video is a mistake, unfortunately.
Oh right thankyou , so is the best way to get the first distance from centre speaker to M.LP to use a tape measure then align the rest to or as close as possible to centre, thanks, added pic
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