Can't get proper dBu or Voltage reading when measuring equipment


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Aug 29, 2024
Tascam 4x4
Front Speakers
custom built tri amped
My interface Tascam 2x2 can deliver +20 dBu out when set at full volume, and accept +20 dBu in with input level set to min.
I calibrated by sending out -20 dbFS, this reflects a perfect -20 dBFS on the loopback input.
Sending -20 I measured the voltage from memory .897 V. ( using 100 Hz which is accurate on my DVM) I put this value in the calibrate window.
All good.
I set REW generator to send +4 dBu out, I measured the voltage output at a almost perfect 1.229V Beautiful!
When I send this level to do a measurement Both output, and input dB FS meters in REW Match. ( from memory about -16.5 dB fs)
So far so good.
Yet when I look a my completed measurements and set the scale to dBu or V the measurement is low, it should read +4 dbu
but it appears the scale doesn't change and it's reading low around -16 dB low like it's still showing dB FS which would be in that range.
Is it me doing something incorrect? I see you can calibrate input level using SPL for mic level input, but I don't see a calibrate for voltage level input.
In my case though the Tascam is accurate in regards to voltage and dB, on metering with a loop , dB fs out does equal dB FS in.
So it's not a knob setting issue.
I did try outputting 0dBu and calibrating the spl meter to 0.0, dBz and the spl meter reads the proper value ( when I set to +4 out it reads +4 out)
But the scale on the graph when reading dbu is still down about 16 dB
Thanks in advance
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