CEDIA 2024: Why Everyone's Talking About Sony'S New Bravia Projector 8 and Bravia 9 4K HDR Projectors!


(September 27, 2024) Sony's brand new Bravia Projector 8 and Bravia Projector 9 were launched at CEDIA 2024. They feature more light output than Sony projectors of the past, but, more importantly, have dynamic HDR tone mapping capabilities built-in - which is a first for Sony projectors! This is super exciting stuff and a huge win for buyers because it's creating competition with JVC and Sony. We talked shop with Sony's JT Austin and got the scoop on everything these new models have to offer.


Buy the Sony Bravia Projector 8

- Audio Advice: https://fave.co/4eIhACC
- Best Buy: https://fave.co/3XIxEx5

Buy the Sony Bravia Projector 9
- Audio Advice: https://fave.co/3ZG1xAI
- Best Buy: https://fave.co/3N4dw3O

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