Todd Anderson
Editor / Senior Partner
- Preamp, Processor or Receiver
- StormAudio ISP.24 MK2
- Main Amp
- Emotiva XPA-5
- Additional Amp
- Emotiva XPA Gen3 2.8 multichannel amp
- Other Amp
- Denon X8500H
- Computer Audio
- AudioEngine A2+
- Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
- Kaleidescape TERRA
Panasonic UB9000
- Streaming Equipment
- iFi Audio Zen Blue
- Streaming Subscriptions
- Spotify
- Front Speakers
- GoldenEar Technology Triton One.R
- Center Channel Speaker
- GoldenEar Technology SuperCenter Reference
- Surround Speakers
- GoldenEar Invisa MPX
- Surround Back Speakers
- GoldenEar Invisa MPX
- Front Height Speakers
- SVS Prime Elevation x4 (Top Front, Top Mid-Front)
- Rear Height Speakers
- SVS Prime Elevation x4 (Top Middle, Top Rear)
- Subwoofers
- Quad Array SVS SB16s
- Other Speakers
- Behringer 1124p; Aura Bass Shaker Pros; SuperSub X
- Screen
- Seymour Screen Excellence, Enlightor NEO AT Screen
- Video Display Device
- Other Equipment
- Sony 65-inch A95L OLED
Sony 65-inch X900F
ZeroSurge 8R15W x 2
ZeroSurge 2R15W x 2
Any other Comcast customers out there receive a letter titled "Important Information About Your Account?"
I've been a Comcast customer for roughly two decades, largely remaining a customer out of convenience (and to keep access to the regional sports networks). Yes, every few years I have to call and re-nogitate into a better deal. And while painful, it has always left me happy.
Earlier this year, as our "deal" was expiring, we received a letter that began with: "We're writing to let you know we made a mistake – we haven't been charging you for some of your XFINITY services..." The letter went on to list a bunch of service fees and then details a total fee that has been mistakenly NOT charged. In that particular case, Comcast claimed it had failed to charge us $9.99/month (for something that was difficult to identify in the letter).
A few weeks later, I had a moment to call and renegotiate our deal. About an hour later, after combing over everything Comcast related with a customer service rep, we had a new deal in place. I was happy enough.
About 3 weeks later we get another letter. The same exact letter we had received prior to negotiating our new deal! This left me scratching my head. I had spent a lot of time on the phone with a rep...and they made the same mistake??
So, I place a call to Comcast Corporate. After a 30 min conversation, they convinced me that the rep didn't know what she was doing and a mistake had truly been made. I begrudgingly accepted that answer, but, in the process, eliminated our home phone and whittled our service down to TV and Internet. So, I was paying the $9.99 they had mistakenly overlooked, but the overall monthly charges dropped significantly.
All's good.
Well... wouldn't you know, last week we receive another "we made a mistake letter." This time, Comcast is claiming they just realized they were mistakenly not charging us for $19.95 in services...and that our bill was going up to reflect that mistake.
I hate to air dirty laundry (and this hardly what I would consider dirty... more frustrating than anything)... but I'm curious: has anyone else experienced this with Comcast?
I'm due to talk to someone at corporate again, today, but I think this might be the final straw with me. This is kind of business practice doesn't sit well with me.
I've been a Comcast customer for roughly two decades, largely remaining a customer out of convenience (and to keep access to the regional sports networks). Yes, every few years I have to call and re-nogitate into a better deal. And while painful, it has always left me happy.
Earlier this year, as our "deal" was expiring, we received a letter that began with: "We're writing to let you know we made a mistake – we haven't been charging you for some of your XFINITY services..." The letter went on to list a bunch of service fees and then details a total fee that has been mistakenly NOT charged. In that particular case, Comcast claimed it had failed to charge us $9.99/month (for something that was difficult to identify in the letter).
A few weeks later, I had a moment to call and renegotiate our deal. About an hour later, after combing over everything Comcast related with a customer service rep, we had a new deal in place. I was happy enough.
About 3 weeks later we get another letter. The same exact letter we had received prior to negotiating our new deal! This left me scratching my head. I had spent a lot of time on the phone with a rep...and they made the same mistake??
So, I place a call to Comcast Corporate. After a 30 min conversation, they convinced me that the rep didn't know what she was doing and a mistake had truly been made. I begrudgingly accepted that answer, but, in the process, eliminated our home phone and whittled our service down to TV and Internet. So, I was paying the $9.99 they had mistakenly overlooked, but the overall monthly charges dropped significantly.
All's good.
Well... wouldn't you know, last week we receive another "we made a mistake letter." This time, Comcast is claiming they just realized they were mistakenly not charging us for $19.95 in services...and that our bill was going up to reflect that mistake.
I hate to air dirty laundry (and this hardly what I would consider dirty... more frustrating than anything)... but I'm curious: has anyone else experienced this with Comcast?
I'm due to talk to someone at corporate again, today, but I think this might be the final straw with me. This is kind of business practice doesn't sit well with me.