Correction lowers -30db


Thread Starter
Jun 2, 2023
Main Amp
NAD C298
Motu M4
Computer Audio
Roon Bridge
Front Speakers
Austrian Audio Mozart Grand
SVS SB2000
Hi, I am pretty new to Audiolense and had very good success with a 2.0 setup. I did now add a subwoofer and I am planning to add another one. My question is where I went wrong arriving at a corrrection that lowers the volume by 30db. I can add a 25db boost in Audiolense convolved and than the volume level is fine but I don't think that is the intended way to do that :D

Here a screenshot:

Screenshot 2023-06-19 at 17.20.53.png

Thank you for any useful tip!
Seems to me that you need to get the pre-measurement volume levels more equal. If I am reading correctly, your sub level in particular seems to be 40dB lower than your left main speaker. Can you increase the sub’s volume level and try again? JCR
Check that 10 db Amplification of LFE is unchecked on Play Back Format and Channel Routing tab in speaker setup


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Check that 10 db Amplification of LFE is unchecked on Play Back Format and Channel Routing tab in speaker setup
Hi, thank you for the tip, this was checked. I will try another measurement on the weekend without that option!
Seems to me that you need to get the pre-measurement volume levels more equal. If I am reading correctly, your sub level in particular seems to be 40dB lower than your left main speaker. Can you increase the sub’s volume level and try again? JCR
Hi, thank you for helping!
As far as I read the graph the subwoofer is louder than the speaker. The subwoofer is red and the speaker is blue
I think this is infact common. Look at other corrections posted in this forum and you will see that AL tends to attenuate the response to around the lowest dip. As most systems in rooms are 'overpowered' this is usually not a problem.
Look at the corrections for all speakers and check where the peak is. Maybe you need to lower the LFE cutoff frequency which is 200Hz by default.
Bernt, what is the difference between the LFE cutoff frequency and the manual crossover values that you put in for subwoofers? For example, I use 80hz as my crossover point between my subs and my mid-woofers but the default 250hz LFE cutoff is in place.
In Audiolense te sub usually plays two parts.

1) as a stand-alone speaker handling LFE
2) As an offloading companion to the main speakers.

There are different correction filters for each. THE LFE Cutoff frequency applies to 1, the bass offfloading frequency applies to 2

The default LFE frequency in Audiolense is sometimes too high for the subwoofeer, which may lead to a substantial and undesired boost around 100-200 Hz. THe solution is to lower the LFE frequency.

In addition to this, there is a "amplify LFE by 10 dB" option that could potentially steal 10 dB as well. So uncheck that unless you need it.
If all the source material is stereo, even videos are downmixed, how should one design the correction filter? is the LFE irrelevant?
So if you are using 8 channel with dual subs each independently using a channel out what should the over arching settings be for setup? Should we be turning off the -10db LFE setting?

Here is what I have now, I want my dual subs to get everything sub 80 hz and it should be offloaded from my midbass drivers and only sent to the subs:



What changes should I make to this to be complying with best practices?
I had 2 problems:
- the 10db boost was a problem it seems
- the subwoofer was not in LFE mode

I do now have a correction which works fine without db boost in the convolver!

Thank you for the tips!
Can you post pictures of the before and after correction? or better yet with and without LFE boost?
What do you mean by "the subwoofer was not in LFE mode"?
If all the source material is stereo, even videos are downmixed, how should one design the correction filter? is the LFE irrelevant?
The LFE is only relevant if you play material with an LFE feed.