Different Decibel Readings Between ASIO4ALL and FlexASIO in REW


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Dec 28, 2022
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Marantz AV7703
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
When I check levels in REW using ASIO4ALL, I get say 75 dB and this level agrees with a decibel level app on my phone. If I switch to FlexASIO using the same speakers/sound levels, I get a reading that is about 10 dB higher consistently. I usually use FlexASIO as there is a crackling sound that plays through speakers with ASIO4ALL. Why is FlexASIO reading higher dB? Why do I hear crackling noise through speakers when using ASIO4ALL? It does it with all speakers.
Crackling with ASIO4All is probably because the buffer is too small, set it to the maximum. Whether input volume controls are active for ASIO wrappers depends on what back end they use to access the device, so it may be that in one case a volume control is being applied and in the other it isn't.
Thanks. What buffer is this and where is it located? I cannot find a buffer setting anywhere.
Increasing the buffer size fixed it. The crackling is gone. Thank you.