Emby has finally allowed me to centralize my music distribution


Thread Starter
Dec 29, 2020
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Yamaha RX-A3060, RX-V1900, RX-V1075
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Yamaha BD-S681, Sony UBP-X800, Oppo BDP-83
Streaming Equipment
BlueSound Node2i
Front Speakers
PSB Image T65, PSB Century 800, PSB Century 300
Center Channel Speaker
PSB Image 8C, PSB Century200, PSB Century 100
Surround Speakers
PSB Image 1B, RBH A600, PSB Alpha Minis
Surround Back Speakers
PSB Image 1B
Rythmik LV12-R, PSB Subsonic 6, PSB Subsonic 5
Video Display Device
UN65KU6491 65"/UN55MU7000 55"/UN50MU7100 50"
Remote Control
Logitech Harmony 650
took another step forward with this and decided to try and centralize my music distribution for three of my systems. I moved from having 3 USB drives, one per system controlled through a ROKU per system to distributing music via my laptop to all 3 systems. What prevented me from centralizing before was finding a suitable interface that retained my folder organization/genre catagorization with artwork. Plex didn't do the folder view at all as I tried this last year. I'm using Emby running on my laptop, tablets, phones, and Roku to access my music. Here's what the interface looks like on the display running through a ROKU;

A lot has transpired since I started down this trail....

I decided to rebuild my media library and accidently wiped out all the data on that USB drive. Lucky for me, I had two other USB drives that I kept current and did a restore. It took just over 24 hours for that to complete. The new library structure went from a combined movies/music to each having their own category as shown below.


I've been busy cleaning erroneous entries I made while tagging the digital files. I still have another 3 days or more of work to put into it to get where I want it to be. As a former unix administrator, I decided to use the command tool using robocopy to just copy over any files I've changed to the back up USB drive. Saves me a ****-ton of time.

It was a rough night for me last night. I woke up around 3:30am to go to the bathroom (yes I made it there LOL ) but as soon as layed back down, images of my late wife going through cancer treatment and her pain wouldnt stop flooding my mind so I got up and worked until 5 am cleaning up some tags on my music files. I was finally tired enough to go back to bed. I took a snap shot of an incremental data backup to my 2nd USB drive of just how much data I changed.


My last genre I'm working on and by far the most inconsistent from both a labelling and classification aspect is classical. I've been busy putting about 7.5 hours fixing my classical collection to make it look respectable with Emby. I even found some duplicate files!!
I have another week left I estimate. My last single artist to work on is Mozart and then various classical mixes.

My classical catalog so far


Each selection above has albums attached to it. As an example, here's what I have under Beethoven