External CD with JRiver and Audiolense convolver.


Thread Starter
Nov 29, 2022
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
RME Fireface UCX
Streaming Equipment
Does anyone here use a CD audio player connected to the RME interface via JRiver and Audiolense's convoler?

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here. Have managed to route correctly in RME but struggling to get control via Jriver. Tips are greatly appreciated.
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I have tried and failed. You can look up my posts. Something with the RME asio routing and AL convolver doesn't work. The only thing that worked for me is HLC. Highly recommend. Tried with RME FF400 and UC.
There's no need to use JRiver for this scenario if you use the Audiolense Convolver.

Start the convolver manually, choose RME as sound card, load measurement. And finally you need to specify two input channels and offset for the first.
Doesn't Jriver use Audiolense Convolver then? I don't have a license for Audiolense Convolver, but AL Convolver starts when, for example, I start Spotify via Jriver.
Yes, jriver can use Al convolver. But you don’t need jriver for cd playback.
I now get cd playback in audiolense convolver. But I can't adjust the sound. Is this because I don't have a valid license for audiolense convolver?
If you included the trial license, the convolver works 100% for about three months.

Maybe the old routing is still engaged? There should be no routing between input and output in the RME mixer here. The routing is done by the convolver.